PM urges swift action on pending bills

The Government reviewed proposals and reports related to the amendment of the Law on Management, Use of Weapons, Explosive Materials, and Supporting Tools, the Advertising Law, and the issuing detailed regulations and guidelines for the implementation of laws, ordinances, and resolutions enacted by the National Assembly and its Standing Committee.
Politics & Laws

Top legislator hosts Cuban counterpart

President of the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba, Esteban Lazo Hernandez, conveyed his joy at returning to Việt Nam and reuniting with Chairman of the National Assembly Vương Đình Huệ. He expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Chairman Vương Đình Huệ for welcoming the delegation immediately upon their return from a lengthy overseas mission.
Politics & Laws

Việt Nam, Laos attach importance to defence cooperation: President

At a reception in Hà Nội for visiting Sen. Lieut. Gen. Thongloi Silivong, Deputy Minister of National Defence and Chairman of the Lao People’s Army (LPA)’s General Department of Politics, President Thưởng stressed that Việt Nam always remembers Laos’s support and assistance during its past struggle for national independence and reunification as well as its present cause of national construction.
Politics & Laws

Việt Nam, Laos bolster defence cooperation

Minister of National Defence Gen. Phan Văn Giang received visiting Sen. Lieut. Gen. Thongloi Silivong, Deputy Minister of National Defence and Chairman of the Lao People’s Army (LPA)’s General Department of Politics, in Hà Nội on Tuesday.
