Expat Corner

EURO2024 fills bars in HCMC

Known as soccer or football around the world, in Việt Nam we call it "bóng đá" and EURO 2024 is proving to be a spectacular watch on the sporting calendar for locals and expats across the country.
Expat Corner

Vũng Tàu - more than just a beach side city

As the ferry pulled into Vũng Tàu, the wharf was a welcome step after 15 kms of rocking and rolling across the bay. People held bags to their face and many conversations went silent as the boat left the sanctuary of the Sài Gòn River and took on the volatility of the open ocean. While the journey was short and in some people's opinion, quite calm, there was no other way to the beautiful Vũng Tàu peninsula.
Expat Corner

The age of the influencer

The things they share often come from a place of passion, something far more noble and honest than gatekeeping or taking smug pleasure from being 'in the know'.
Expat Corner

Just roll with it

The sight of a foreigner cooking and selling bánh xèo and nem lụi on the street of Hà Nội sure is a little unusual to say the least. But his skills and dedication are no joke. Falling in love with the culture, Moritz from Switzerland returned to Việt Nam to immerse himself deeply in Vietnamese lifestyle. And what better way than volunteering at a restaurant.
Expat Corner

The Rice Field Food Market of Bà Rịa

I didn’t like it but you should visit this place once! A strange statement but one that is befitting of this unique attraction just outside Bà Rịa. The newly formed Rice Field Food Market is a wonderfully unique experience that you must try once.
Expat Corner

Culture of convenience

In an increasingly online world where so many young people have the option of retreating to a considerably and sometimes entirely digital existence, it's reassuring to know that the allure of real-life socialising endures.
Expat Corner

Japanese Aquaman becomes a Red River Warrior in Việt Nam

It was not the first time Ayusawa Takanori hit the waves of Hà Nội's mother river. He also took part in the first season on April 24, 2021 of the Red River Warrior and finished first. He butterfly swam that day, when most other participants did backstroke or crawl, and finished in a record time of 2h21'03''.
Expat Corner

Indian-Australian journalist feels at home in Việt Nam

Indian-Australian journalist Sandip Hor has been to Việt Nam six times and has written dozens of articles about tourism, culture, and lifestyle for various publications all over the world. He still wants to come to the country more and spend more time with the people here.
Expat Corner

All quiet on the eastern front

Regardless of whether it’s cultural, language or ideology, there’s something nice about being able to switch off to the never ending political hum of home and know that it’s unlikely to fall out with someone over such matters.
