The key to finding a balanced approach is to define long-term goals, look beyond salary figures, combine learning with earning and seek continuous self-improvement.
Some voices express concern that inviting foreign wrestlers could overshadow the local talent, arguing that differences in physical strength might disrupt the festive spirit. Many others recognise it as an opportunity to showcase Việt Nam's rich traditions to the world.
Alongside economic progress, society must also cultivate values such as empathy and respect. True development means not only having a healthy population in the physical sense but also ensuring mental wellbeing.
A harsh reality check is underway. Government offices are being streamlined for efficiency, and job cuts are necessary to reduce the state budget. But maintaining an upbeat attitude has always been part of Vietnamese resilience.
Perhaps we should rethink our method to celebrate responsibly while safeguarding our health and environment.
Starting in 2025, Việt Nam will officially ban the production, trade, and use of e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products.
Reflecting on those challenging times, many people have personal stories to share.
Hà Nội aims to transform the Tô Lịch into a clean, romantic waterway, worthy of pride for the capital’s residents by National Day, September 2, 2025.
The new words that shed light on how the youth love today
Initially perceived as just another entertainment programme, the show Anh Trai Vượt Ngàn Chông Gai has shattered expectations, creating "instant classics" and sparking a renewed appreciation for Vietnamese music and artistry.
However, while the enthusiasm for marathons is palpable, it has sparked intense discussions about their impact on the community.
In Vietnamese culture, as in many others, people are often taught from a young age that humility is a virtue.
Livestream shopping, in particular, is transforming the retail landscape, creating a lively atmosphere that encourages viewers to make impulsive purchases.
In Việt Nam, Tarot has recently gained popularity as a form of "spiritual therapy".
Experts have highlighted the challenges Vietnamese players face in maintaining their places in foreign leagues.
Pickleball, which began as a backyard game in the United States in the 1960s, has gained wide appeal as an accessible, fun way to stay active. Many young entrepreneurs have seized the opportunity to pivot their sports businesses to cater to this emerging demand.
In fact, inappropriate comments are just one aspect of sexual harassment on social media. There are a lot of other actions that fall under online sexual harassment as well, like sending filthy images and videos, modifying other people's photos with offensive information, or sending spam messages.
In the 70 years since liberation, Hà Nội has undergone profound changes, but Hanoians continue to cherish a sense of community.