Waste in education must be eliminated

The waste of money is evident, but the waste of time, effort and the trust of parents and students in the country's education system is immeasurable.

The Red River's lady of letters

The new film built on the life and talent of Lady Đoàn Thị Điểm has caught on the trend to look back into history and try to grasp what our ancestors' lives were like.
Talk Around Town

Community spirit brings soul to apartment buildings

Living in a modern apartment shouldn't mean that you only know what happens behind your closed doors and do not care about your neighbours. Development and apartment buildings springing up in the cities have brought people together in clean, safe and well-maintained circumstances.
Talk Around Town

Lunar New Year now a UN public holiday

The United Nations General Assembly in late December acknowledged the significance of the Lunar New Year and now will avoid holding meetings on the Lunar New Year. The decision shows that the East with its long traditions must be respected and not overlooked on the international level.
Talk Around Town

Honouring the traditions of the Mông people

The recognition of the pan flute of the Mông as "National Intangible Cultural Heritage" is not only aimed at preserving their indispensable folk instrument, but also encourages them to continue their traditions not only for spiritual ceremonies, but to allow visitors and tourists to observe this art and take part in local activities.
Talk Around Town

Are livestream influencers getting drunk on power?

These days, e-shopping has gradually transformed into an entertainment habit for most consumers and is evolving into a consumer culture of the current younger generation. But the leniency shown by customers is causing some well-known KOCs to become excessively confident.
