Fried bananas

May 01, 2022 - 09:44

with Home cook Ngọc Nguyễn from the Cooking Island channel.

with Home cook Ngọc Nguyễn from the Cooking Island channel.

Fried bananas are a popular dessert and snack in Việt Nam and throughout Southeast Asia. These are a lovely treat, serve warm as they are, with some syrup drizzled over, or alongside some ice cream.

Follow the recipe of home cook Ngọc Nguyễn and you will be able to make this dessert in no time.

Home cook Ngọc Nguyễn. — Photo courtesy of Ngọc Nguyễn


- Ripe banana: 6 pieces

- Rice flour: 75g of

- All-purpose flour: 25g

- Tapioca starch: 5g

- Sugar: 30-40g

- Salt: 1g

- Baking powder: 2g

- Coconut milk: 120ml

- Water: 150ml

- One slice of lime or teaspoon of vinegar (this helps the bananas stay crisp longer)

- Black sesame and turmeric powder (optional)

Fried bananas— Photo courtesy of Ngọc Nguyễn


- Mix all the batter ingredients together and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. Then take out the batter and mix with roasted black sesame.

 - Peel the banana, cut it in half and put it in a plastic bag, then roll it thin.

- Dip bananas in batter, and deep fry until bananas are slightly puffy.

- Take it out, continue to dip it in batter and fry a second time to make the banana more crispy.

- Serve your fried bananas as soon as possible, or with a side of coconut or vanilla ice cream. VNS
