Party, State leader meets with retired public security officials

Tô Lâm hailed the force for its crucial role in firmly protecting national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, maintaining an environment of peace and stability for national development, and elevating Việt Nam's stature and reputation on the global stage.
Politics & Laws

Vietnamese citizens advised not to travel to Lebanon, Iran, Israel amidst tensions

Authorised by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Hà Kim Ngọc, who heads the steering committee for the protection of Vietnamese citizens abroad, the Consular Department, acting as the committee's standing body, chaired a meeting on Tuesday. This meeting involved heads of Vietnamese representative agencies in Israel, Iran, and Egypt—which concurrently oversees Lebanon—and functional units within the ministry to discuss measures for safeguarding Vietnamese citizens amidst the tensions in the Middle East.
Politics & Laws

Two NA deputies of Hà Giang, Tuyên Quang provinces relieved of duties

Pursuant to the Constitution, the Law on NA Organisation and relevant legal regulations; according to the opinions of competent agencies; pursuant to the proposals of the NA Committee for Deputy Affairs; and considering Khánh's and Lâm's applications for resignation from the duties of NA deputies, the NA Standing Committee discussed and casted secret votes and issued a resolution on relieving Khánh and Lâm of their duties as deputies to the 15th NA.
Politics & Laws

Việt Nam, Russia continue promoting defence cooperation

Minister of National Defence Gen Phan Văn Giang affirmed that Việt Nam has always been consistent in its foreign policy of "independence, self-reliance, peace, friendship and development cooperation, multilateralisation and diversification of relations; being a friend, a reliable partner and an active and responsible member of the international community".
Politics & Laws

Disciplinary measures imposed on Party organisations, members

After reviewing the proposals from the Party Central Committee's Inspection Commission, the Politburo and Secretariat determined that the Standing Board of the Party Committee of Lâm Đồng Province during the 2015-2020 tenure violated the principle of democratic centralism and working regulations. They failed to report to or seek direction from the provincial Party Committee regarding the planning of three types of forests in the locality.
