President Lâm meets presidential office staff and highlights their strategic role

May 23, 2024 - 15:40
Expressing his gratitude for the staff’s warm welcome to the office, President Lâm said that the Presidential Office has seen great progress.
President Tô Lâm and the Presidential Office's body of staff on Thursday at the Presidential Office in Hà Nội.— VNA/VNS Photo Thống Nhất

HÀ NỘI — The strategic role of advisory bodies such as the Presidential Office are crucial to continuing the achievements of the Party and the state, the freshly elected President Tô Lâm said as he met his office staff on Thursday.

This mission requires the Presidential Office to make active contributions with responsibility, dedication and innovation from all of the staff, in addition to their execution of the Party guidelines and state laws and policies, he said.

The office must also stay informed and provide insightful analysis of local and global situations in its capacity as the advisory body for the president and vice president.

Expressing his gratitude for the staff’s warm welcome, President Lâm said that the Presidential Office has seen great progress in all aspects under the leadership of the Party, the State and generations of presidents and vice presidents, as well as its effective coordination with various state agencies, ministries, sectors and localities.

Some of the office’s achievements include advising presidents and vice presidents in home and foreign affairs, supervising the execution of decisions made by them, as well as making arrangements for state visits.

President Lâm said that throughout the country’s history, presidents have made tremendous efforts to fulfil their duties in their capacity as stated in the Constitution.

Alongside the efforts of the Party and the people, presidents have made important contributions to promote the country’s traditions of patriotism, power of unity, the development of the Party and a strong and transparent political system.

This has also accelerated Đổi mới (Reforms), socio-economic growth and improvements in quality of life for the people, countering corruption and misconduct, while also strengthening national security and defence for the country’s independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity over its land, sea and islands.

Foreign relations and international integration have also seen significant progress, improving Việt Nam’s position in the region and the world.

Reaffirming his oath of office, President Lâm restated his loyalty to the Party’s ideology, the country and the people and said he would continue the legacy of the previous generations to fulfil his duties according to the Constitution as well as every mission assigned by the Party, the state and the people.

“Entrusted by the Party Central Committee and the Politburo head by Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng and the National Assembly to take on the role of the President, I hope to receive the support and coordination of central agencies and localities, especially the Presidential Office as an advisory body,” he said.

President Lâm also expressed his gratitude towards the Public Security Central Party Committee and the Ministry of Public Security for their support during his work in the security forces. — VNS
