Land use quota adjustment creates conditions for localities’ development: Deputy PM

The deputy PM emphasised that the recent development of plans to allocate and adjust land use targets still encountered many difficulties and problems in planning, legal basis and practice. Therefore, it is necessary to continue to adjust the allocation of land use targets to keep up with development requirements, from the perspective of ‘national interests first’, he told the meeting.
Politics & Laws

NA Chairman welcomes Vice President of Lao legislature

Chairman Huệ congratulated the Lao National Assembly on successfully holding the Cambodia-Laos-Việt Nam (CLV) Parliamentary Summit in December 2023, saying the event's success marked the important role of the Lao legislature in the cooperation mechanism among the parliaments of the three countries as well as in the region.
Politics & Laws

Cuban Ambassador highly values Việt Nam’s economic development results

In an interview granted to the Vietnam News Agency on the occasion of the 63rd anniversary of the establishment of Việt Nam-Cuba diplomatic relations (December 2) and the New Year 2024, Cuban Ambassador to Việt Nam Orlando Nicolás Hernández Guillén said that Việt Nam has reaped positive results in economic expansion despite complex developments of the world situation as a result of armed conflicts, financial crisis, and economic recession.
Politics & Laws

PM outlines tasks for environment sector in 2024

The PM asked the ministry to drive the development of maritime economy, concentrating on meticulous planning to ensure land reserves for development, and review priority land bases earmarked for the planning of economic and industrial centres along the coastline.
Politics & Laws

PM engages in dialogue with farmers nationwide

The government leader urged sectors and localities to fully understand the role of farmers, improve the quality of training and consultancy services offered to farmers and rural labourers in production and business, and step up digital transformation in agriculture.
