National Assembly Standing Committee discusses specific mechanisms to develop Nghệ An, Đà Nẵng

June 12, 2024 - 19:14
The National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee offered specific ways and mechanisms which will allow Nghệ An Province and Đà Nẵng City to develop and grow.
An overview of the session. — VNA/VNS Photo Doãn Tấn

HÀ NỘI — The National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee has been discussing specific mechanisms and policies to further develop Nghệ An Province and Đà Nẵng City.

Plans to grow the central city of Đà Nẵng also were discussed as regards who should be exempt for any liability in controlled testing of new technological solutions.

Some lawmakers proposed that organisations, businesses and individuals conducting controlled testing must be responsible for any civil liabilities and take administrative responsibility in case of any damages. But they added that they should be exempt from criminal liability.

As part of the committee's 34th session on Wednesday morning, participants proposed not stipulating the exemption from legal liability in the NA’s draft Resolution, or considering the exemption from civil liability in accordance with Article 23 of the Law on Science and Technology.

As for damages to citizens, they suggested studying regulations that Đà Nẵng City People's Committee would support compensation from the budget.

NA Deputy Chairman Nguyễn Khắc Định said that there should be an exemption, but within a certain appropriate level and in accordance with principles.

He said more research was needed, adding that it was important for: "Creating good conditions for scientists to research but not cause damage to organisations and individuals."

Agreeing to have a liability exemption to encourage innovation, Chairman of the NA's Committee for Science, Technology and Environment Lê Quang Huy suggested detailed and strict regulations on the issue were needed.

Hoàng Thanh Tùng, Chairman of the NA’s Law Committee, said that if a specific policy on controlled testing was allowed, there must be a provision on liability exemption, which was consistent with international practice.

"Testing carries risks because it is a new, unpredictable problem. Without an exemption, no one would dare to do it," he said.

Expanding support scale

Regarding the NA’s draft Resolution on adding specific mechanisms and policies for the development of Nghệ An Province, Chairman of the Law Committee Tùng agreed.

On allowing provinces and cities to use their budgets to support Nghệ An Province in carrying out socio-economic development tasks in Nam Đàn District and the province’s western region, Tùng said: "The support scope should be carefully considered."

He added that general support for the whole province was not specific enough and therefore focused support will be more effective.

According to some lawmakers, the provincial People's Council should decide on the level of support for specific areas, with priority given to Nam Đàn District and the western region.

Concluding the session, NA Deputy Chairman Nguyễn Đức Hải stated that the NA Standing Committee basically agreed with the orientation of the two draft resolutions as requested by the NA’s Finance and Budget Committee.

To ensure the quality of the two draft resolutions to submit to the NA, he asked the Finance and Budget Committee to coordinate with relevant agencies to review all opinions, to comprehensively meet the requirements set out when designing, revising and supplementing mechanisms for Nghệ An Province and Đà Nẵng City.

Earlier in the day, the NA Standing Committee discussed the draft amended Law on Social Insurance. — VNS
