National Assembly to enhance supervisory role in resolving complaints and denunciations

May 31, 2024 - 08:07
Monitoring the resolution of complaints, denunciations and voter’ petitions is put central to the work of the National Assembly (NA), thereby demonstrating their innovation spirit
National Assembly General Secretary and also Chairman of the National Assembly Office Bùi Văn Cường presents a report at the session. — VNA/VNS Photo Phương Hoa

HÀ NỘI — Monitoring the resolution of complaints, denunciations and voter’ petitions will be strengthened and will become a regular activity of the National Assembly (NA), it has been announced.

The NA General Secretary and also Chairman of the NA Office Bùi Văn Cường said the change demonstrated the NA’s innovation spirit.

Speaking at the NA working session on Thursday morning, he said that last year and this year were two important years in implementing the 13th Party Congress’s Resolution.

The NA and the NA Standing Committee have issued resolutions on the supervision programme to ensure feasibility and meet practical requirements.

These resolutions are an important basis for NA agencies and NA delegations to promulgate plans and perform appropriate supervision tasks.

Building and perfecting institutions on supervision activities has been continuously improved, creating an important legal foundation and orienting work for the 15th NA term and the following years.

Notably, the NA issued a resolution on obtaining votes of confidence.

At a question and answer session at the NA and the NA Standing Committee session, he said there are many innovations ensuring compliance with regulations.

The selected questioning issues closely follow reality, are pressing issues, meeting the aspirations of voters and people nationwide.

Last year, for the first time, the NA simultaneously monitored three national target programmes right from the implementation phase, in order to accelerate the progress of completing set goals.

Based on the results of supervision, the NA considered and passed a resolution on a number of specific policies to conduct national target programmes at the fifth extraordinary session.

This year, the NA will carry out specialised supervision on the "Implementation of policies and laws on real estate market management and social housing development" immediately after the amended Law on Real Estate Business and the amended Law on Housing are passed.

General Secretary Cường said that next year would be the last year of the five-year socio-economic development plan 2021-2025. Localities will organise Party Committee congress at all levels working towards the 14th National Party Congress.

The country will also prepare to elect deputies for the 16th NA and People's Council at all levels for the 2026-31 term.

Delegate discussions

Delegates said they highly appreciated the NA's supervision activities, with many saying that the monitoring activities have been overhauled, bringing positive results, including monitoring saving and preventing waste; the management and use of resources for COVID-19 pandemic and the national target programmes.

Nguyễn Thị Việt Nga, from Hải Dương Province, said that at present environmental pollution was a hot topic which many voters were worried about.

However, the actual implementation of policies and laws on environmental protection is facing many difficulties, especially from the beginning of next year with the mandatory deadline to classify waste at source comes into force.

Currently many people do not clearly understand how to classify waste, how to pay fees according to the amount of waste they set out and where waste is collected, localities too are not prepared.

A number of other obstacles and difficulties are being raised such as lack of collection equipment, lack of specialised transportation vehicles, collection locations and waste treatment norms.

Nga emphasised that although there have been two years since the Law on Environmental Protection 2020 took effect, the work has not been thorough. This situation needed supreme supervision to clarify difficulties and problems and to have timely solutions, she said.

Deputy Phạm Trọng Nghĩa, from Lạng Sơn northern mountainous province, said that workforce quality was a decisive factor in labour productivity and high labour productivity is the key to national prosperity.

But, in the last three years, the country has not met the target of increasing labour productivity assigned by the NA.

“If there is no overall, comprehensive solution to protect, maintain and promote the advantages of human resources during this period, our country will face a series of consequences on social security in the future. The risk of falling into the middle income trap is now and we will blame future generations for missing this golden opportunity,” said Nghĩa.

Nghĩa suggested there needs to be close analysis of policies and laws on the development and use of human resources to meet the requirements of socio-economic development, especially high quality human resources. — VNS
