Việt Nam-initiated International Day of Play celebrated in New York

June 12, 2024 - 14:44
Scholars and experts urged the international community and individual countries to prioritise this vital aspect of childhood through dedicated policies and programmes.
Việt Nam, along with other core group countries, bring the first-ever International Day of Play to life at the United Nations headquarters in New York on June 11. — VNA/VNS Photo

NEW YORK — Việt Nam, along with other core group countries, brought the first-ever International Day of Play to life at the United Nations headquarters in New York on June 11 (local time).

The day (June 11), designated by UN General Assembly Resolution 78/268 on March 25, was initiated by Việt Nam and the five other core group countries (including Bulgaria, El Salvador, Jamaica, Kenya, and Luxembourg) and co-sponsored by 138 nations.

During a high-level discussion marking the occasion, delegates highlighted the critical role of play in child development and social progress worldwide.

Scholars and experts urged the international community and individual countries to prioritise this vital aspect of childhood through dedicated policies and programmes. The goal is to ensure that all children, regardless of circumstance, have the opportunity to play, develop, and become positive contributors to the society and the world.

Standing Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyễn Minh Vũ and Permanent Representative of Việt Nam to the UN Ambassador Đặng Hoàng Giang joined the celebration as special guests at an "Early Learning through Play" event where they engaged in play-based learning activities with preschoolers from the UN International School (UNIS) in New York.

On the occasion, the regional president of the LEGO Group for the Americas commended Việt Nam's role in advocating the UN resolution, and expressed his hope for continued collaboration to spread the importance of play for children worldwide. Additionally, he also acknowledged Việt Nam's support for the first carbon-neutral LEGO factory in the southern province of Bình Dương to operate soon. — VNS
