Party chief holds meeting with key leaders to discuss important future tasks

June 12, 2024 - 19:09
Regarding vital tasks in the future, the key leaders stressed that besides opportunities and advantages, there are and will be many difficulties and challenges to face.
Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng (second, right) chaired over the meeting on Wednesday with country's key leaders in Hà Nội to review works in April and May, and discuss important tasks for the time ahead. — VNA/VNS Photo Trí Dũng

HÀ NỘI — Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng on Wednesday presided over a key leadership meeting to assess the situation and results of work in April and May 2024, and set the key tasks in the near future.

The country's top leaders pointed out notable achievements including the successful organisation of the 9th plenum of the Party Central Committee; the first session of the 7th meeting of the 15th-tenure National Assembly with many important contents and particularly the comprehensive and timely personnel work, which has received high approval from officials, Party members, and the people.

The positions of President for the 2021-26 term, Chairman of the 15th National Assembly for the 2021-26 term, and Standing Secretary of the Secretariat of the 13th Party Central Committee were also chosen during this period.

The domestic economic and social situation continues to improve positively, macroeconomic stability is maintained and major balances are ensured and State budget revenue has increased.

Industrial production has maintained its growth momentum, agricultural production has developed well and energy and food security is ensured.

The number of international visitors to Việt Nam, import-export activities, foreign investment attraction and the production and business situation of enterprises have seen many positive changes.

Administrative reforms, digital transformation and the application of population data are being actively implemented.

Inspection, discipline and anti-corruption efforts continue to be focused on while foreign relation activities are practical and effective, contributing to enhancing Việt Nam's role and position.

Party leader Nguyễn Phú Trọng and President Tô Lâm. — VNA/VNS Photo Trí Dũng

Regarding vital tasks in the future, the key leaders stressed that besides opportunities and advantages, there are and will be many difficulties and challenges to face due to the continued complex and unpredictable global situation, fierce competition among major countries, escalating conflicts, climate change, natural disasters and severe epidemics.

The leadership needs to promote economic growth associated with consolidation and maintenance of macroeconomic stability, control inflation, resolve difficulties for production and business and implement solutions to stabilise markets and prices, especially for gasoline, essential goods, housing and food.

One important task mentioned during the meeting is the need for comprehensive, effective solutions to tightly manage the gold market associated with maintaining exchange rates and macroeconomic stability.

Another major task is to proactively build appropriate plans to ensure sufficient electricity, water and fuel for production, business and everyday living.

The authorities will also need to focus on preparing and directing Party congresses at all levels and complete draft documents for the 14th National Party Congress to present at the 10th plenum of the Party Central Committee as planned.

The leaders also stressed the verification, investigation, prosecution, and trial of serious, complex corruption cases of public concern, especially those under the supervision of the Party's Central Steering Committee for Prevention and Control of Negative Phenomena.

Effective implementation of foreign affairs work, strengthening relations with important countries and partners, prioritising and carefully organising foreign-relation events and maintaining a peaceful and stable environment for national development, are also among the crucial tasks that need attention.

The top leaders ordered personnel work should be carried out well, internal politics protected, and effective combat of false, untruthful and disruptive information by hostile forces.

Also discussed was the need to rectify the situation where some press agencies fail to strictly comply with information regulations, publishing unverified news articles, operating contrary to principles and purposes, causing confusion and negative impacts in society.

Mass mobilisation work, ethnic and religious affairs must be implemented effectively to limit negative impacts on political security and social order and safety, creating high consensus in society to consolidate the great national unity bloc, they noted. — VNS
