SINGAPORE- Media OutReach - 25 January 2021- BR Metals, a leading specialist of precious metals recycling, has beenrecognised by The Straits Times and Statista as a leading high-growth companyin Singapore for the third consecutive year.
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Basedon the criteria of revenue growth from 2016 to 2019, BR Metals secured a placein the Top 10 ranking of Singapore's Fastest Growing Companies thanks to acompound annual growth rate (CAGR) in revenue of 178.90% over this 4-yearperiod.
Commentingon the achievement, Founder and Managing Director of BR Metals, Mr Frank Chensaid, "The recognition by the Straits Times and Statista as a fast-growthcompany for the third successive year validates that we're moving in the rightdirection. In spite of the current adverse market conditions and uncertaintiesahead, we are still expanding and rolling out a new recycling and preciousmetals analysis service for e-scraps in Singapore with a new processing andsample line as well as a fully equipped analysis lab, Our new state-of-the-artsampling facility in Shaoguan, Guangdong will also start operations in thethird quarter this year to process precious metals scraps for the Chinesemarket."
Thisaward is a new addition to BR Metals' growing list of accolades. Previously,the company achieved a Top 30 position on Financial Times's ranking of 500high-growth companies from the Asia Pacific region in 2019. Mr Frank Chen wasalso honoured as Entrepreneur of the Year 2019 (New Entrepreneur Category) - anaward jointly accorded by the Association of Small and Medium Enterprises(ASME) and the Rotary Club of Singapore.
For more details about the ranking ofSingapore's Fastest Growing Companies, please visit https://www.straitstimes.com/business/companies-markets/tech-enabled-firms-in-singapore-among-the-fastest-growing-companies
For more information about BR Metals Pte Ltd,please visit www.brmetalsltd.com
For sales enquiries, please contact +65 63622946 or email info@brmetalsltd.com
BRMetals is the leader in precious metal recovery. We set high industrialstandard as a trusted partner that provide responsive services and createsustainable value for clients.
Ouroperations in Guangzhou and Singapore purchase, process and analyse usedcatalytic converter, petrol-chemical catalyst, and other scrap materials torecover platinum, palladium and rhodium as well as other precious metals. Wealso provide recycling and precious metal analysis service for e-scraps.
Weare committed to positively contribute to clients' growth based on flexiblearrangement, fair and transparent trading without compromising our commitmentto the sustainability of precious metals and other finite resources.