HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM - Media OutReach - 25 January 2021 - Cityland Education (Vietnam) has signed with EHL Advisory Services tobecome a VET by EHL Licensed Center to train service-minded hospitalityprofessionals ready to thrive in a shifting industry.
Cityland Education (CE) is thrilled to start the year 2021 with an excitingpartnership with EHL, the best hospitality school in the world, which confirmsour confidence in the tourism potential of Vietnam. By venturing into theeducation industry, Cityland is not only strengthening its position as aleading Vietnamese group but also fully engaging into its corporate socialresponsibility policy.
CitylandEducation aims at offering the best educational and vocational programsavailable worldwide to the Vietnamese students and workforce. By bridging thegap between the job market needs and the education space, Cityland Education islooking forward to strengthening local skills, expanding career opportunities andenhancing Vietnamese people's lives.
TheVET by EHL program is a blendedskills training model based on the Swiss Competency Framework, regarded as oneof the best education models in the world. It is characterized by a stronglearning outcomes approach and a competence-oriented structure of trainingcontent. The curriculum emphasizes practical learning, designed to enablegraduates to be work-ready upon completion.
Asa VET by EHL Licensed Center, Cityland Education through its Hotel AcademyPhu Quoc will offer 4 module-basedProfessional Diplomas and Certificates to students interested infast-tracking or upgrading their career in hospitality: Kitchen, Service, Rooms and Hotel Administration.
Theflexible program structure targets students and professionals at differentlevels in their career focusing on the application of skills through real-worldlearning and internships. All learning content is developed by EHL inSwitzerland, encouraging a stimulating and interactive teaching style.
Ourcollaboration with EHL is a common answer to the current aspiration of theVietnamese hospitality industry, and the service industry in general, toupgrade the skills of its professional workers and therefore improve ourcustomers' experience while visiting our country.
Ourupcoming Hotel Academy Phu Quoc will be the first training center ownedby Cityland Education and licensed under the standards of VET by EHL. The HotelAcademy will follow VET by EHL's international requirements in terms offacilities and design and will comprise of more than 10,000sqm available tostudents. The learning environment will match VET by EHL's blended learningmodel and consist of:
Theconvenient location of the Hotel Academy Phu Quoc at only a 10-min drivefrom the international airport provides great accessibility for students andprofessionals flying in while being close to Long Beach and its numerous hotelsand resorts.
Finally,Cityland Education views the current pandemic as an opportunistic time forstudents and professionals to improve and hone their skills as the travel &tourism industry is redefining its future. As a destination, Vietnam has beenblessed with amazing landscapes, rich culture and exquisite cuisine which makeus among travellers' top destination choices. We believe that with the righttraining and the integration of best practices, we will be able to provide anauthentic and memorable experience with a whole new level of service.
Statement from VET by EHL
Mr.André Mack, Director & Deputy Senior Managing Director of EHL AdvisoryServices also shared his vision regarding the upcoming Hotel Academy PhuQuoc" EHL is delighted to partner with Cityland Group to establish thevery first VET by EHL center in Vietnam. We believe that this partnership willset up a unique hospitality education community within the region by providingstudents with an education that upholds the highest international standards andEHL excellence and supports the local hospitality industry development. "
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CitylandEducation is the education arm of Cityland.
Vision:to contribute to Vietnam's peaceful future, social stability and economic growthby building the capacities of the next generation of Vietnamese students andprofessionals.
Mission:to offer the best curriculum and trainings available worldwide to our studentsso they can acquire the right skills to meet the employment market needs.
EHL Group encompasses aportfolio of specialized business units that deliver hospitality managementeducation and innovation worldwide. Headquartered in Lausanne, Switzerland, theGroup includes:
EHL Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne is an ambassador for traditional Swiss hospitalityand has been a pioneer in hospitality education since 1893 with over 25,000alumni worldwide and over 120 nationalities among its students. EHL is theworld's first hospitality management school that provides undergraduate andgraduate programs at its campuses in Lausanne, Singapore and Chur-Passugg, aswell as online learning solutions. The university of applied sciences is rankedn°1 by QS World University Rankings by subject and CEOWorld Magazine, and itsgastronomic restaurant is the world's only educational establishment to hold aMichelin Star for two consecutive years.
EHL Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality has been one of the leading hospitality managementcolleges for hotel specialists for 50 years. The College deliversSwiss-accredited federal diplomas of vocational education and training and ofhigher education in its 19th century spa-hotel in Chur-Passugg, Graubünden, toSwiss and international students from 20 countries.
EHL Advisory Services is the largest Swiss hospitalityadvisory company specializing in service culture implementation, businessconsulting, as well as the development and quality assurance of learningcenters. EHL Advisory Services has offices in Lausanne, Beijing, Shanghai andNew Delhi and has delivered mandates in more than 60 countries over the past 40years.