SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 21 January 2021 - One World International School (OWIS), which hasestablished itself as one of thefastest-growing IB schools in Asia, has announced plans to launch a brand newcampus in Singapore amid high demand.
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The newOWIS Punggol Digital Campus will begin construction in the next 2 months and isscheduled to be completed by end of 2022. The Digital Campus will offerInternational Baccalaureate curriculum to international students in the K-12sector at a moderate fee point regulated by the Economic Development Board(EDB) of Singapore.
The newcampus, which has received all regulatory approvals and is scheduled tocommence operations in 2023, is designed to accommodate 1,500 new students fromPreschool to IB Year 2 (Grade 12). It will have a built-up Gross Floor Area of20,000 sq meters, and many other facilities for the holistic development ofstudents.
"Oureducation philosophy believes in the mindful use of technology, underpinned byvalues of kindness, and aims to provide holistic education to students toencourage them to be open-minded, global learners," said Mr Julian Whiteley,Advisory Board Member of Global Schools Foundation (GSF) which is the parentbody of OWIS. "This model promotes creativity and collaboration among studentsin a tech-savvy environment that will play a key role in their learningjourney," added Mr Whiteley, an educationist who was the former CEO of UWCSEAand has extensive experience in the sector.
OWISprovides international education to students in a values-driven programmeunderpinned by Kindness. It has two other campuses in Singapore, one in thewest called Nanyang Campus and one in the city area called Mountbatten campus,where 1500 students of 70 different nationalities study.
The newcampus will be a state-of-the-art premises which will incorporate latestapproaches to Digital pedagogy in its design, aimed at providing acceleratedlearning to students. Mindful use of technology alongside personalised learningsystems will promote creativity and collaboration among students allowing themto play a key part in their own learning and are encouraging them to beinquisitive.
The newcampus facilities will include fully digital classrooms, skills and artstudios, sports stadium, libraries, multipurpose halls, fully-equipped indoorand outdoor auditoriums. Multidisciplinary laboratories and science labs willalso be included to impart the latest knowledge on robotics, ArtificialIntelligence, IT, Innovation, Design Technology etc on students. It will alsoincorporate performance analytics in its pedagogical offerings to benefitstudents academically as well as in their extracurricular pursuits.
Besidesstate-of-the-art technology, the OWIS Punggol Digital Campus will beenvironmentally friendly, with emphasis on making good use of natural light andbreeze, as well as investing in renewable energy for reduced carbon footprint.School design also includes large pockets of green for learning and play.
Sportsfacilities will include indoor and outdoor arenas, a fully-equipped gym, a200-metre running track, a stadium grandstand, outdoor basketball courts,adventure parks, and a multi-purpose hall for six badminton courts, 2 indoorbasketball courts -- all fitted with TV screens, videos and projectors.
Studentswill enjoy highest safety standards with Its safety and security features willinclude attendance via facial recognition, digital access controls forcampus-wide facilities, and cashless transactions at book shops and cafes.
"Webelieve the schools have to adapt to the needs of Generation Alpha who areheavily device dependent and impart them with skills to learn that will berelevant for the next 20 years. Our new campus will enrich students to overcomechallenges of the future," said Kotaro Tamura, Advisory Board Member of GSF.
One WorldInternational School, one of the fastest-growing international schools in Asia,offers high-quality international education in a nurturing multiculturalenvironment. OWIS Punggol Digital Campus aims to develop independent,inquiring, lifelong learners, while fostering internationally-mindedindividuals within the school and wider community.
OWIS ispart of the Global Schools Foundation (GSF), which is headquartered inSingapore, is the fastest growing international school in South East Asia. Ithas been selected by Enterprise Singapore to be part of its prestigious ScaleUp Singapore program, which offers support to promising local companies forglobal expansion.
GSF wasfounded in 2002 to serve the global communities with high quality and moderatefee education, and a mission to cultivate and nurture young minds into futureglobal leaders.
For more information on OWIS Punggol Digital Campus, please visit