KUALA LUMPUR,MALAYSIA - Media OutReach -25 January 2021 - At the time of writing, Malaysia's COVID cases have increasedat an alarming rate with 42,397 active cases and 642 accumulative deaths,resulting in MCO implementation 2.0. Many small business owners and bigenterprises are directly impacted by the unfortunate circumstances that comewith the virus that alerted society globally in November 2019.
With a cumulativetotal of 95,612,831 cases and 2,066,176deaths globally, this pandemic that has hit the world has changed society'snorms and the infrastructure of businesses and marketing strategies. As ithappens, COVID has pushed society into embracing a new world where socialdistancing is a necessity, with digital space becoming the primary channel tostay connected with the rest of the world population.
New marketingstrategies are now vital for businesses to survive and thrive amidst thesetrying times. With COVID-19 living within society, changing how businesses andeconomic sectors run vigorously, small and big business owners are left torethink their whole digital roadmap and business model to outmanoeuvre thepandemic.
Reevaluate Business Marketing Strategies
At its core, agood marketing strategy includes a deep understanding of the target market.Once that is figured out, the business brand and its marketing strategy canmove towards fitting in with the target market's perspectives. The pandemic hascalled for a change in the market's infrastructure, so does the need for everybusiness to redevelop a new and appropriate marketing strategy.
The first actionto take to develop a new marketing strategy is reassessing and reevaluating thebusiness's assets and messages from a different perspective. As we live in aworld with high unemployment rates, economic and general anxiety, messages, andbusiness marketing strategies need to be aligned with societal status andfinancial hardships.
Losing marketshare to the competition during this time will take a long time to build thatvolume back. Thus, it will all come down to the effective search marketingstrategies in moving your brand and business forward and thriving amidst thepandemic.
Improve Communication Channels
Many businessesare forced to close during the pandemic, with survival depending on revampedservices and digital alternatives. For businesses to rise above and stand outin a competitive and crowded digital space, an improved communication channelis vital.
As consumers moveonline, businesses must be in the digital space too. Focusing on digitalmarketing efforts like paid ads, search engine optimization (SEO), socialmedia, and email marketing is essential to keep brands and businesses connectedto the target market.
As far asbusiness communication and marketing go during the pandemic, business ownersand brands should now leverage on the opportunity to further connect withanxious markets and focus on the true relevance of products or services withthe help of a digital marketing agency.
In the face ofthe COVID-19 crisis, fundamental changes in consumer behaviour, supply chains,and routes to market are knocking companies off balance. Responding to thepandemic has underscored leaders' need to accelerate agile ways of working andvalue chain transformation to help outmanoeuvre uncertainty.
Readjustingbusiness models to be adaptive to the current economic situation is now vital.With a large portion of consumers currently active on social media, takingadvantage, and focusing your business models and marketing efforts on thesocial media channels will drive a lot of customer engagement.
While businessesmay not wholly replicate the services and experiences to offer in-person in theonline world, proactive steps can be taken to keep consumers coming from avirtual perspective. Essentially, giving back to the community by givinghelpful tools and thoughtful promotions can build brand awareness and loyalty.
Digital Marketing for Business to Survive the Pandemic
In these tryingtimes where everything is uncertain, brands and businesses' best thing to doright now is to stay proactive. Start to adapt and readjust the brand'spromotional strategies and take advantage of a digital marketing agency.
As a leading digital marketing agency in Malaysia,iMarketing helps businesses build up and stay connected with the rest of theworld population with our personalised SEO Performance Audit and Analysis,website SEO optimisation, Facebook, and Google advertisements for betterconversion rates.
Having a businessdigital marketing strategy that leans intensely on the community,relationships, and brand building with customers is vital to give them a reasonto connect with your brands on a deeper level for strong brand loyalty. Find a new business model and strategy, andgive out a message that resonates with the community for the business to be inan excellent position to retain market share as economic activity across the countrybegins to reach its new capacity.
If brands andbusiness owners are uncertain about how to survive and thrive during thepandemic or in need of a little help dealing with the company's crisis, reachout to iMarketing today for a free digital marketing consultation.
iMarketing MY is a business unit of theprivately owned Acme Commerce Sdn Bhd, established in 1989. Over the years,iMarketing has collaborated with top SMEs and MNCs to provide Digital MarketingServices such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing(SEM), Social Media Marketing (SMM), and Google Display Advertising.