Was this written in the cards? Did Hollywood and other movie makers have an inkling what was going to happen in 2020? A quick look back on some big blockbusters as well as indy movies and cartoons may lead many to believe directors could see into the future. Here is a selection of movies and shows based on a worldwide pandemic.
Was this written in the cards? Did Hollywood and other movie makers have an inkling what was going to happen in 2020? A quick look back on some big blockbusters as well as indy movies and cartoons may lead many to believe directors could see into the future. Here is a selection of movies and shows based on a worldwide pandemic.
Contagion - 2011
Contagion is considered to have most similarities to the outbreak of coronavirus. The movie is about the spread of a lethal airborne virus that kills infected people within days. Anyone can catch the virus by touch and there is no vaccines or medicine that can stop the spread.
Flu - 2013
Flu is about an outbreak of a dealy strain of H5N1 that kills infected people within 36 hours in one district of South Korea. The movie starts with the discovery of illegal immigrants who died in a container from an unknown illness. The contagion can pass from people to people and then spreads throughout the city. Hospitals and communications systems become overloaded, the city is quarantined and people begin to panic.
World War Z - 2013
An unknown virus that turns healthy people into zombies causes governments worldwide to panic. Brad Pitt plays a former United Nations investigator tasked with finding the original of this virus in order to help find a cure or vaccine.
I am Legend - 2007
Another zombie movie but filmed earlier in 2007. Will Smith plays a scientist who is the sole survivor of the fast spreading plague in New York City and struggles to find a cure for it.
Simpson Family - 1993
In episode 21 of Season 4 called ‘Marge in Chains’ a virus travels to Spingfield from Japan. Called Osaka Flu the disease quickly spreads via an infected package causing untold problems for Homer and the many of the residents of this fictitious cartoon town.
Gintama - 2005
If you are a big fan of anime, you surely must have seen Gintama. In episode 165 Season 4 of this Japanese cartoon, the city is hit by a new virus during winter. It spreads rapidly leaving many people sick. This episode also uses Will Smith’s image as a person who can find a cure, just like he did in the movie I am Legend.