Huế holds lion dance festival for the first time

September 20, 2018 - 16:30

Ten troupes are attending a lion dance competition held in Huế.

A lion dance performance during the competition in Huế. — VNS Photo Lê Huy Hoàng Hải
Viet Nam News

THỪA THIÊN-HUẾ — Ten troupes are attending a lion dance competition held in Huế.

They included seven troupes from the host city and three others from Quảng Bình, Quảng Trị and Đà Nẵng. The troupes competed in the Mai Hoa Thung style on Wednesday evening and will compete in the Địa Bửu style this evening. Their performances on Wednesday night were watched by thousands of attendees.

Địa Bửu consists of lion dancers performing on the ground while Mai Hoa Thung requires the troupe to perform in the air by jumping on a row of short poles.

Judges award a score from 1 to 100 on timing, gestures, technique and safety. The competition organisers, the local Department of Tourism, hired the chief judge from Malaysia and other judges from HCM City, where lion dances are popular among the Chinese community.

The Bạch Ngọc Đường troupe from the host city won the Mai Hoa Thung top prize on Wednesday evening with a score of 84.6 points.

Lê Hữu Minh, the department’s standing director, said the event is to entertain locals during the Mid-Autumn Festival and it will be held annually in the future.

Such events are part of the department’s programme to organise festive days throughout the year, as Huế has been assigned as the country’s ‘festival city’. In July, the department successfully held the lotus festival, which was an event to honour lotus flowers as well as products made from lotus. — VNS
