Weightlifter Huyền to compete at Olympics

May 26, 2016 - 09:00

Vương Thị Huyền has been selected to represent Việt Nam at the Rio Olympic women’s weightlifting competition.

Vương Thị Huyền will make her Olympic debut at the coming Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. — File Photo
Viet Nam News

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HÀ NỘI — Vương Thị Huyền has been selected to represent Việt Nam at the Rio Olympic women’s weightlifting competition.

After qualifications, Việt Nam won four slots for three men and one women.

Huyền was chosen after the women’s squad finished in the top six of the Asian Weightlifting Championship in Uzbekistan, an Olympic qualifying event.

Huyền earlier took a world silver and an Asian gold in the 48kg pool.

It will be her first time at the Olympics.

The three men’s slots went to Thạch Kim Tuấn, Nguyễn Trần Anh Tuấn and Hoàng Tuấn Tài. — VNS
