Việt Nam, Cuba intensify solidarity, cooperation

June 15, 2024 - 18:16
The Vietnamese diplomat affirmed that Việt Nam always bears in mind and feels grateful for Cuba’s assistance for the country in the past, and maintains a consistent stance on supporting the just revolutionary cause of the Cuban people.


Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermudez (second to left) meets Vietnamese Ambassador Lê Quang Long (middle) recently. — VNA/VNS Photo Lương Mai Phương

HAVANA — Việt Nam always treasures and works unceasingly to deepen as well as expand the fraternal solidarity and comprehensive and trustworthy cooperation with Cuba, Vietnamese Ambassador Lê Quang Long said after presenting his credentials to Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermudez recently.

The Vietnamese diplomat affirmed that Việt Nam always bears in mind and feels grateful for Cuba’s assistance for the country in the past, and maintains a consistent stance on supporting the just revolutionary cause of the Cuban people.

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel, for his part, thanked Việt Nam for the solidarity and valuable support that it has given to Cuba, affirming that the Latin American country wants and resolves to continue bolstering the solidarity and cooperation between the two Parties, States and peoples, thus continuing the historical and traditional relations that President Hồ Chí Minh, President Fidel Castro and General Raul Castro have worked hard to foster.

He took the occasion to congratulate Việt Nam on its successful organisation of activities to mark the 70th anniversary of the Điện Biên Phủ Victory. He stressed that the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs stands ready to coordinate with the Vietnamese side to prepare for celebrations of the 65th anniversary of Việt Nam – Cuba diplomatic relations in each nation in 2025. — VNS
