Việt Nam's defence sector expected to be self-reliant and modern

August 23, 2022 - 08:00
Speaking at a meeting held by the Central Military Party Committee to popularise and implement the Resolution 08 of the 13th Politburo on "Strengthening the development of the defence sector to 2030 and the following years", Chính said that Việt Nam's defence sector was determined to go modern based on three key factors - scientific and technological potential, human resources and institutional building.
Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính speaking at a meeting held by the Central Military Party Committee to popularise and implement the Resolution 08 of the 13th Politburo on "Strengthening the development of the defence industry to 2030 and the following years". VNA/VNS Photo

HÀ NỘI — Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính on Monday called for efforts to develop a defence sector that is active, self-reliant, modern, and dual-use for both military and civilian purposes.

Speaking at a meeting held by the Central Military Party Committee to popularise and implement the Resolution 08 of the 13th Politburo on "Strengthening the development of the defence industry to 2030 and the following years", Chính said that Việt Nam's defence sector was determined to go modern based on three key factors - scientific and technological potential, human resources and institutional building.

Chính emphasised that Resolution No 08 issued early this year showed the importance, expectation, and trust of the Party, State and People has in the sector.

In the past, the defence industry achieved important results including products that are increasingly diversified, dual-use, and high quality. It also helped to ensure weapons and equipment to modernise the army, consolidate national defence, protect the nation and make active contributions to the cause of industrialisation and modernisation of the country and the army.

Chính said that in the future, the world and regional situations were forecast to evolve rapidly, complicatedly and unpredictably, which set urgent requirements for the defence of countries, including Việt Nam.

Meanwhile, the national socio-economic situation continued to maintain stability and development but still faced many difficulties and challenges.

"The development of the defence sector is increasingly required to firmly protect the independence, sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity," he said.

For effective implementation of the resolution, the Prime Minister emphasised the need of keeping perfect the organisational structure, reorganising the core defence industrial establishments, and moving towards the establishment of a national defence industry complex that is compact, efficient, advanced, and modern.

Another task is building a system of legal documents, specific mechanisms, and policies to attract and develop high-quality human resources, financial resources, science and technology, Chính said.

"Developing the defence sector is a part of the construction and development of the national industrial strategy," he said, adding that it was a must to promote international cooperation, and effectively implement the cooperation, transfer and application of science and technology.

General Phan Văn Giang, Politburo member, Deputy Secretary of the Central Military Committee, and Minister of National Defence said that right after the meeting, all Party committees and organisations must quickly learn and master Resolution 08, especially the views, goals, tasks and solutions, new and core issues, to make it clear that Resolution 08 is a very basic and important content in strengthening and modernising the Vietnamese People's Army in the future.

Giang suggested that ministries, branches and agencies urgently study and concretise the content of the resolution into specific action plans and schemes, with clear feasible implementation roadmaps.

He called on relevant agencies to direct and co-ordinate in concretising the contents of Resolution No 08, perfecting institutions and legal corridors so that the Resolution could be implemented comprehensively, effectively and efficiently. — VNS
