HONG KONG, CHINA - MediaOutReach - 18 September 2020 - Refinitiv, one of the world's largestproviders of financial markets data and infrastructure, today announced that ChinaCITIC Bank International has adopted Refinitiv Electronic Trading platform toenhance its Foreign Exchange (FX) trading and distribution workflow.
Intoday's evolving FX markets, banks need flexible trading platforms and toolsthat provide control over electronic pricing, distribution, and hedging to meetthe growing demands of their client base and improve internal efficiency andmitigate operation risks.
WithRefinitiv Electronic Trading, over 300 banks across 80 countries globally arealready benefiting from a turnkey, next-generation e-commerce FX tradingsolution. Refinitiv Electronic Trading offers a powerful suite of e-commerce productsto shape, configure and automate FX prices to customers through a number ofdistribution channels and FX venues while streamlining risk management. Theplatform's auto-execution and smart order routing methods enable enhanced pricediscovery and execution with minimal market impact, which have also beencritical in helping clients safely cope with much larger volumes from theirremote or virtual work environments.
Lijun Bai, Executive Director ACEO, Head of WholesaleBanking Group and Treasury & Markets Group at CITIC International, said, "In today's FXmarket, we see a strong demand for electronic pricing, execution efficiency andstability as the partner of our clients. Through the Refinitiv ElectronicTrading platform, we will be offering competitive prices in CNH and other majorFX currency pairs electronically, which we believe will improve the operationaland risk controlling efficiency for both our bank and our customers."
David Day, Head of North Asia at Refinitiv, said, "As a leading tradingvenue and data company for financial markets, we are proud to strengthen ourpartnership with China CITIC Bank International, one of the leading Chinesebanks in the offshore market. Through Refinitiv Electronic Trading, CNCBI willhave access to an efficient and digitized FX trading platform to drive theon-going growth of its foreign exchange business in both local andinternational markets. Enabling e-commerce solutions for the industry twodecades ago, Refinitiv sits at the intersection of currencies FX venues,technology and regulation globally. We will continue to promote the developmentof efficient, fair and effective markets."
Formore information on Refinitiv's FX trading solutions, visit here.
Refinitiv is one of the world's largestproviders of financial markets data and infrastructure, serving over 40,000institutions in over 190 countries. It provides leading data and insights,trading platforms, and open data and technology platforms that connect a thrivingglobal financial markets community - driving performance in trading,investment, wealth management, regulatory compliance, market data management,enterprise risk and fighting financial crime.