SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 17September 2020 - Global digital currency trading platform, DiBi Global exchange, today announced thatDBLend (Version 1.0 ) development phase officially launched.
DBLend is a digital currency lending platform which centredaround the usage of DeFi (Decentralized Financial) smart contract base onblockchain technology as a trusted intermediary in facilitating the growth ofglobal lending marketplace.
Maggie, the Co-Founder of DBLend's Chinese Community, said: "Asblockchain technology and DeFi (Decentralized Financial) applications becomemore and more mature, It is likely that DeFi will change the entire financialsystem in the near future. As early as 2019, DiBi Global has been laying outits own DeFi ecosystem. As the first and most important DeFi application ofDiBi Global, DBLend project has been widely concerned as soon as it waslauched, that's because of DBLend's decentralized mining mechanism and users'multiple ways of making profits here, and all of these features are based onsmart contracts on the blockchain. In the long run, code is more reliable thanhumanity. Through the smart contract in blockchain technology, trust andconsensus can be well established. In addition, smart contract technologyautomates the movement of funds and tokens, amplifying the provision ofliquidity to digital currency market participants. "
According to the whitepaper, Lenders and borrowers in DBLendplatform are matched automatically through the smart contract (Ethereum-basedprotocol), eradicating the need for third parties. It's loaning feature playsit safe for borrowers by allowing only up to 70% of the collateral's worth,rather than the full 100%----minimizing risks. In additon, users have multipleinvestment options with high-profit on the DBLend platform, such as DBL (DBLendtoken) mining, providing DBL liquidity for the interest pool, mainstream tokenlending, mainstream token lending, etc.
"I think DeFi will change from serving the financialindustry to changing the entire financial system. Today, I am so glad that DiBiGlobal officially launched the development of DBLend platform 1.0 which Ibelieve will be released soon. " Maggie added.
For more details, please visit https://www.dblend.pro
DiBi Global Exchange is the first global tradingplatform with multiple decentralized rules which was founded by DiBiTechnology Co., Ltd.
The mission of DiBi Global is to transform research intoinnovative applications that help investors and users have more fairer andsafer trading experience through the application of blockchain, smart contract,and other related technologies.