HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 16 September 2020 - The 13th Social Enterprise Summit ("SES 2020") will be heldfrom 19 to 21 November with the theme "new normal · collective power". The flagshipannual International Symposium to inspire and empower social innovation, willwelcome 70+ top international and local speakers over the 3 days filled with 20sessions. This is a special timewhen registration is free for the online exchange, opening up to a wideraudience's participation to co-create our new normal.
AnnualFlagship Social Innovation Event - Registration starts today.
The Launch ceremony of SES 2020 kicked off with an unusualdialogue between Serial Social Entrepreneur Prof Erwin HUANG and the 12-year-oldfounder of KidShare Miss Chloe WONG about how, with very different background,experiences and life stages, they both took on roles to create movements ofcollective power for social impact. Officiatingat the ceremony were Mrs Rebecca CHOY YUNG, Chair of the Social EnterpriseSummit Organizing Committee and Mr Jack CHAN, Under Secretary for Home Affairs againstthe backdrop of a transforming butterfly around this year's theme of "newnormal · collective power".
Mrs Rebecca CHOY YUNG, Chair, Organizing Committee of theSocial Enterprise Summit, remarked "When the world is going through a turbulenttime like 2020, collective power is called for, from all members of our society;to gather forces from the civil society, businesses, policy makers and academiathrough dialogues and actions to co-create a new normal ahead."
"new normal · collective power" towards New Phase of Innovation
SES 2020 is bringing together over 70 leaders and socialinnovators from USA, Australia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, SouthKorea, Thailand, Mainland China and Hong Kong over the 3-day event.
Mr Jeremy HEIMANS(US), Co-Author of New Power and Co-Founder and CEO of Purpose, and Mr HenryTIMMS (US), Co-Author of New Power and President and CEO of Lincoln Center,will reveal at the Keynote address what "New Power" means in today's connectedworld and how everyone can harness this rise of new power to create movementsfor a better world.
Mr Francis NGAI (HK), Founder and CEO of Social VenturesHong Kong will host the Thematic Session "Overcoming Challenges 2.0: RebuildingCity Resilience", a multi-perspective discussion on rebuilding resilience inour city. Mr David YEUNG (HK), Founderand CEO of Green Monday; Dr LAU Ming-Wai (HK), Founder and Director of MWYO andChairman of Chinese Estates Holdings Limited and Ms Vicky FUNG (HK), Co-founderof Every Life Is A Song, are amongst the panelists. (For moredetails, please refer to the annex)
Four Tracksof discussions on Day Two
Connecting businesspeople, social innovators, policymakers, academics and young people, the International Symposium will exploreand discuss solutions along four tracks: "Community Empowerment"; "DigitalSocial Innovation"; "Sustainabilityand Business" and "Education Innovation"
Community Empowerment | Digital Social Innovation | Sustainability and Business | Education Innovation |
Designed to unleash the latent power embedded in our communities, participants will engage in a journey to transform the pressure in recent times into positive power of change to embrace the new normal. | Exploring the use of open data, citizen science and the future of work to drive informed and responsive changes woven into our personal, professional, and social spheres along the digital social innovation highway. | Adopt sustainability strategies, practices and business models with leading thinkers to prioritize sustainability and be prepared to lay the foundations for a more resilient and sustainable business eco-system creating shared values. | Innovation in education can be manifested through, adopting a skills-based approach in social entrepreneurship education, building an education transformation movement to transform traditional practices in schools, and using behavioural science as a tool to develop a better society. |
"SaturdaySocial Innovation Workshop" and "Asia Youth Entrepreneurship Exchange"
SES 2020 theme "new normal · collective power" draws attention to the changing wayspeople work, study, commute or socialize. Collective efforts are required to re-focus on fostering mutuallyreinforcing solutions; continuous communication towards common agendas andsolving the world's most pressing issues through social innovation.
The Saturday workshop will make reference to the highlyinfluential book New Power: How It'sChanging the 21st Century and Why You Need to Know About It by JeremyHEIMANS and Henry TIMMS, introducing the essence of the New Power idea, thechallenges, and the massive potential for creating a mobilization movementthrough New Power thinking.
To be held on the same day is the AsiaYouth Entrepreneurship Exchange, an appositionof local and regional social entrepreneurswhere participants can learn, share, explore and network with twelve socialentrepreneurs from major cities in Asia.
Concluding sessionof this year's International Symposium: "Yesterday'sHeritage; Today's Transformation; Tomorrow's DYNAMIC INNOVATION" is a speciallycurated narrative involving guest speakers across generations and sectors toshare their insights on "The New Normal To Be".
OutreachActivities to Explore Social Innovation in Communities
Besides the International Symposium, SES 2020 continues toengage with different communities through Social Entrepreneurship Labs, Mid-AutumnSocial Innovation Experience, School Talks/Workshops and Community Tours, to beheld inCentral and Western District, Kwai Tsing, Kwun Tong, Sham ShuiPo, Southern District, Wong Tai Sin, Yau Tsim Mong and Yuen Long District betweennow and November. An online 30-day-challenge Joys30.ses.org.hk is being held during the month of September to encourage communityinvolvement in driving changes around us.
Public Registration
SES 2020 is open for freeregistration as from TODAY. Register now at https://bit.ly/SES2020Reg
For more programme details, pleaseview or download the SES 2020 RegistrationBrochure at https://ses.org.hk/content/ses-2020-registration-brochure
Specialthanks to The Garage, Deloitte for sponsoring the launch ceremony venue.
Biography of key speakers at SocialEnterprise Summit 2020
Co-Author ofNew Power and Co-Founder and CEO of Purpose, US
Mr JeremyHeimans is the co-founder and CEO of Purpose, a global organization that buildsand supports movements for a more open, just, and habitable world. He is theco-founder of GetUp!, an Australian political organization with more membersthan all of Australia's political parties combined; and Avaaz, the world'slargest online citizen movement. He is a recipient of the Ford Foundation's75th Anniversary Visionary Award for his work as a movement pioneer, and hasbeen named one of Fast Company's Most Creative People in Business. Togetherwith Henry Timms, Jeremy is the co-author of the 2018 bestseller "NewPower", recognised by the New York Times' David Brooks as "the bestwindow I've seen into this new world", and by The Guardian as "amanual on how to navigate the 21st century". Their thinking on "newpower" has been featured as the Big Idea in Harvard Business Review, andJeremy's TED talk on the topic has been viewed more than 1.4 million times.
Co-Author ofNew Power and President and CEO of the Lincoln Center, US
Mr Henry Timms is the co-author of the internationalbestseller New Power, described by David Brooks of the New York Times as"the best window I've seen into this new world" and shortlisted forthe FT/McKinsey Business Book of the Year. He is the President and CEO of Lincoln Center, which serves threeprimary roles: world's leading presenter of superb artistic programming,national leader in arts and education and community relations, and manager ofthe Lincoln Center campus. Previously he was the President and CEO of 92ndStreet Y, a cultural and community center that creates programs and movementsthat foster learning and civic engagement. Under his leadership, the144-year-old institution was named to Fast Company's "Most InnovativeCompanies" list. He is also the co-founder of #GivingTuesday, a globalphilanthropic movement that engages people in close to 100 countries that hasgenerated over a billion US dollars for good causes.
Founder andCEO of Green Monday, HK
A multi-faceted social venture with the mission to take onthe world's most pressing crises of climate change, food insecurity and publichealth. With the global sustainability movement initiated by Green MondayFoundation, the revolutionary food technology innovation in OmniFoods andOmniPork, the market-transforming plant-based retail, dining and distributionnetwork in Green Common, and the impact investment arm in Green MondayVentures.
Vicky FUNG
Co-founderof Every Life Is A Song, HK
With over 20 years of pop music experience, as songwriter,lyricist, singer-songwriter, founder of live house and music label, artistmanager, producer and curator, Vicky has always endeavoured to promote HongKong's music culture. Vicky has worked with prominent artists, including SammiCheng, Joey Yung, Juno Mak, Gin Lee, Eason Chan, Kay Tse, Eman Lam, and more,with an impressive list of music awards from top radio stations andprofessional associations. Vicky was guest curator for West Kowloon's FreespaceHappenings and Tai Kwun's live music series at Laundry Steps. She has also beenappointed a current member of Committee on Venue Partnership under the Leisureand Cultural Services Department. Vicky believes that the power and value ofmusic lies beyond the limits of commercial music industry and co-founded amusic social enterprise "Every Life Is A Song" in 2018 together with reputablelyricist Dr. Chow Yiu Fai.
Dr LAUMing-Wai, GBS, JP
Founder and Director of MWYOand Chairman of Chinese Estates Holdings Limited, HK
A registered attorney in the Stateof New York and a CFA Charterholder. Dr Lau is active in public affairs in HongKong. He is the Vice-Chairman of Youth Development Commission, Deputy Chairmanof the Board of the Ocean Park Corporation, a member of the Exchange FundAdvisory Committee, a member of Chief Executive's Council of Advisers onInnovation and Strategic Development. He is awarded the Gold Bauhinia Star(GBS) for his meritorious public and community service in 2017.
John MAK
Co-founder,MM Community, HK/Myanmar
John Mak is a social entrepreneurbased in Hong Kong and Myanmar. He is passionate about public policy and politics,and is particularly interested in questions of how trust in democracy and ourpublic institutions can be revamped. In 2017, he co-founded MM Community, asocial venture that seeks to democratise community development processes andcivic engagement channels via crowdsourcing technology. In 2018, John wasselected as an inaugural Obama Foundation Scholar.
Tina Y. LO
Chairman, OBank, Taiwan
Ms Tina Y. Locurrently serves as Chairman of O-Bank, the first publicly listed certified BCorp financial institution in Taiwan. As an advocate of "business as a forcefor good" and socially responsible businesses, she has led O-Bank in sustainingcorporate social responsibility, as well as championed support for socialenterprises and start-ups. She was selected as Young Global Leader by the WorldEconomic Forum and awarded the prestigious Eisenhower Fellowship. She alsoserves as a member of the Asian Executive Board of the MIT Sloan School ofManagement.
Founder andCEO, Evo & Co, Indonesia
David Christian is founder and CEOof Evo & Co, that have 3 different brands under it: Evoware, Evoworld andRethink Campaign. Evo & Co vision is to create a world without plasticpollution by providing one stop solution for single used plastic alternatives. Back to Indonesia after his studyin Canada, he was surprised with how bad environmental condition in Jakarta wasand moved to create something to address this issue. Now with Evo & Co, heaspires to give positive impact, not only for the environment but also thesociety.
Social Enterprise Summit (SES) is across-sector platform to inspire and empower social innovation and socialentrepreneurship.
Theflagship International Symposium builds on the experiences of over 70 speakersfrom 15 locations to inspire, innovate, connect and collaborate with delegatesfrom the civic society, businesses, government and academic sectors from HongKong, China; Asia Pacific region and beyond to advance positive societalchanges.
Community engagement activities are held ineight different districts in Hong Kong during the year to expand theparticipation and reach beyond the conference rooms, applying knowledge, socialentrepreneurship and innovative mindsets to various day to day life settings.
2020 Theme: "new normal · collective power" ︱ 19-21. 11. 2020 ︱ Online ︱
The turn of the decade 2020 begins with a pandemic affectingpeople around the world, raising attention to health and changing the waypeople work, study, commute or socialise. Everyone in our society will requiresome shifts to come out of the current situations. Collective efforts areneeded to re-focus on fostering mutually reinforcing solutions, continuouscommunication towards common agendas and making swift decisions based oncurrent data and measurement. This International Symposium will examine theprocess through 4 thematic tracks: Community Empowerment, Digital SocialInnovation, Sustainability and Business as well as Education Innovation.
Official Website: https://ses.org.hk
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