SYDNEY,AUSTRALIA - MediaOutReach - 16September 2020 - Infor, a global leader in business cloud software specialisedby industry, today announced BegaCheese Limited chief information officer Zack Chisholm as the recipient of itsfirst CIO of the Year award in Asia-Pacific as part of its 2020 InforCustomer Excellence Awards. These annual awards recognise customers that drive innovation and showcaseexceptional business results.
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A panel of Infor solutionand industry experts evaluated each applicant on scope and depth of performance improvement, quantifiablebusiness benefits, customer focus and satisfaction, and technology use andinnovation. Award winners and finalists were recognised at the first-everdigital Inforum APAC, Sept 16.
Thepublicly listed Bega Cheese Limited is a leading dairy and food producer ofcheese, infant formula, nutritional powders, and home to one of the most iconicbrands in Australia - Vegemite.
Bega has a vision to become The GreatAustralian Food Company and knows that technology plays a critical role inkeeping them agile as the business grows. Led by Zack Chisholm, thecompany has been working to transform the technology landscape to support thebusiness growth and to lay the foundations to better compete on a global stage.To do this, Bega knew it needed to be able to implement change quickly and stayon the most current versions of their systems. For this reason, Bega hasimplemented Infor's Testing as a Service (TaaS) cloud solution allowing it toachieve the benefits from the latest technology while minimising risk. Begarecognised that to release changes quickly it required a robust and effectiveway to test across the system, especially integrations and extensions. Afterimplementing Infor CloudSuite Food & Beverage, the company has been able tofurther optimise a range of processes across the supply chain, finance and operations.By using the TaaS solution, Bega has more certainty with its results by minimisingdisruptions to production.
"I'mextremely proud to receive the CIO of the Year award from Infor, and for therecognition of all our teams hard work at Bega Cheese," said Chisholm.
"Inforhas been a key partner in our journey to the cloud and in order to keep paceand manage some of the challenges we have faced this year with naturaldisasters such as drought, bushfires and now the pandemic the team have beenworking hard to achieve the pace of change we need to support the business.
"Wehave hit many milestones together with Infor, and one highlight has been ourability now to script and automate our testing end to end and increase our paceof change. Testing our environment now take 16 hours, down from 450 hours inthe pre-Infor, manual days. This vast improvement has been a real enabler forrapid change in the business," he said.
InforANZ managing director Jarrod Kinchington congratulated Chisholm on his win, andsaid he was thrilled that Infor was supporting Bega to optimise its supply chain.
"The InforCloudSuite Food & Beverage solution is built specifically for the F&Bsector. Its comprehensive system architecture has enabled Bega to accelerateits global supply chain and bring products to market faster. Bega knows that technology plays a critical role inkeeping them agile as it continues to grow, and we're so proud to help Zack andhis team deliver stellar results during and beyond their transformation journey.
"Our deep industry expertise and ability to rapidlydeploy cloud technology has enabled Bega to quickly respond to the manychallenges currently being faced by the sector, and future-proof its ITinvestments to deliver maximum return on investment," said Kinchington.
Learnmore about Inforum APAC 2020:
Phyllis Tan
Infor Asia Pacific
+65 97999133
Bega Cheese has establisheditself as one of the leading dairy and food companies in Australia. Bega Cheese's famous brands, record of growthand strong relationships across the entire dairy supply chain has seen thebusiness grow from humble beginnings to now be recognised as one Australia'smost important dairy and food companies. Bega Cheese is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange with amarket capitalisation in excess of $1 billion.
Bega Cheese manufactures andvalue adds over 200,000 tonnes of food products including cheddar, processedand cream cheese, infant formula, nutritional powders, nutraceuticals,Vegemite, peanut butter, peanuts, salad dressings and sauces. Bega Cheese has approximately 2,000 staffwith operations spanning the south east coast of Australia from the AthertonTablelands in Queensland to Koroit in western Victoria. The company exports to over 40 countriesaround the world.
Infor is a global leader inbusiness cloud software specialized by industry. Providing mission-criticalenterprise applications to 67,000 customers in more than 175 countries, Inforsoftware is designed to deliver more value and less risk, with more sustainableoperational advantages. We empower our 17,000 employees to leverage their deepindustry expertise and use data-driven insights to create, learn and adaptquickly to solve emerging business and industry challenges. Infor is committedto providing our customers with modern tools to transform their business andaccelerate their own path to innovation. To learn more, please visit www.infor.com.