SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 15 September2020 - COVID-19 is still oneveryone's lips, but the show must go on. With digital services becoming moreand more accessible, and affordable, even in developing countries, the sportsbusiness has demonstrate it can still thrive despite the lack of personal engagementwith live attendance.
Withthe above in mind, Singapore-based REBEL Fighting Championship(REBEL FC) reaches a step closer to its planned Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)reality show in China by welcoming yet another top executive to its alreadyformidable sponsorship team. Wicky Wang, previously of City Football Group(CFG), joins REBEL FC as senior sponsorship manager to boost its prospects ofgetting partners onboard for the reality show. CFG is best known for itsownership of the successful English football team, Manchester City FC.
Onthe global front, REBEL FC has signed a distribution deal with Popular UK-basedVideo-on-Demand service, Channel Fight, a popular UK-based Video-on-Demandservice showcasing mostly combat sports shows, martial-arts orientedinstruction and fight action documentaries. Channel Fight has the potential toreach of 300 million homes worldwide via its distribution partners and REBELFC's deal will enable the promotion to access this wide reach.
Formore detailed information on Wang and Channel Fight, please read the followingsections over the next few pages.
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REBELFighting Championship adds more Firepower to its ranks
Hot on the heelsafter the recruitment of sponsorship director, Vivian Xia, previously of TheNielsen Company, and Ophelia Yao, sponsorship manager, formerly of IMG, REBELFighting Championship (REBEL FC), a dynamic fightainment company, has now added more stardust into its foldwith the appointment of senior sponsorship manager, Wicky Wang.
Wang was previously with one of the most prominentsports conglomerates in the world, City Football Group (CFG). CFG is best knownfor its ownership of the successful English football team, Manchester City FC.As sales manager with CFG, Wang was responsible for bringing sponsorshipopportunities to eight football clubs under CFG -- Manchester City FC, MelbourneCity FC, Montevideo City Torque, New York City FC, Mumbai City FC, Girona FC, SichuanJiuniu F.C. and Yokohama F. Marinos -- in Greater China, informal term thatrefers to mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.
"It is very heartening to have someone from anillustrious sports property join our promotion. It shows that what we are doingfor fightainment -- competitive MMA matches with flair and elements ofstorytelling, and to introduce MMA into the mainstream in arguably the biggestsports market in the world as well as the birthplace of martial arts, China --has resonance with key people in the sports and entertainment industries," explainsREBEL FC CEO, Justin Leong.
"While working with the biggest football clubs inthe world under CFG is something that I can be proud of, working with REBEL FCto turn its vision of making MMA a mainstream sport into reality in China is a once-in-a-lifetimeopportunity," says Wang.
"Just like how the English Premier League (EPL)exploded in China in recent years, with China's widely watched streamingplatform, PP Sports, sealing another three-year copyright cooperation with the EPLin July of last year on top of their first three-year deal with EPL signed in2016 worth 650 million USD, I believe REEBL FC, with its goal of bringingmartial arts home by developing local MMA talent via the reality show formatthat is wildly popular in China, will be able to have a similar impact the EPLhas in the country," adds Wang.
REBEL Fighting Championship in a Match made in Heaven with ChannelFight
REBEL Fighting Championship (REBEL FC) of late has beenfocusing intensely on its MMA reality show plans in China as well asrecruitment of top sponsorship talent from The Nielsen Company, IMG and CityFootball Group. This is in line with its vision of growing MMA as a mainstreamsport in China.
On the international front, the promotion is alsohard at work in expanding its brand name to international markets and itspartnership with Channel Fight, a popular UK-based Video-on-Demand serviceshowcasing mostly combat sports shows, martial-arts oriented instruction andfight action documentaries.
"While REBEL FC's vision is to make MMA a mainstreamsport in China, it still retains an international flavour with fighters aroundthe world being matched against Chinese talent in our live events. Hence we arealso devoting time to create awareness of the brand in overseas markets. Doingthis would also give our China-born budding MMA talent and stars a global stageto shine," explains REBEL FC CEO, Justin Leong.
"We are verypleased to welcome Rebel to our global entertainment and instructional platformdedicated to martial arts combat, training, fitnessand lifestyle content. REBEL FC's fightainment model of blending quality fightsand dramatic elements is an excellent fit with our target audience,"elaborates Peter Ruppert, Co-Founder ofChannel Fight.
REBELFC's partnership with Channel Fight has the potential to reach 300 millionhouseholds from Channel Fight's live streaming platforms across numerousterritories.
Inaforementioned live streaming platforms, Channel Fight will be a standalonestreaming channel and REBEL FC's live events will be part of Channel Fight'slibrary.
For more information on Channel Fight,please visit https://channelfight.com or email Russell@channelfight.com
For more informationon REBEL FC, please visit www.rebelfightingchampionship.com
REBEL Fighting Championship is a dynamic fightainmentcompany, committed to bringing exciting and engaging mixed martial arts andlive event entertainment to our customers around the world. We are focused onpursuing the highest standards of excellence in our live event production, MMAtalent development and promoting awareness of MMA.
Foundedin May 2013 and headquartered in Singapore, the company comprises a group ofvibrant and creative professionals with diverse backgrounds in production,marketing, business development, event management, public relations, and MMAmatchmaking.