KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA - Media OutReach- 14 September 2020 - Evolution Wellness, Asia's leading health club operator whoseportfolio of brands also includes Celebrity Fitness and Fitness First, todayannounced the launch of a competitive licensing programme for its premiumboutique gym brand, FIRE Fitness.Established in Malaysia in 2015 by several fitness industry veterans -- husbandand wife duo Dave Nuku and Tracy Minnoch-Nuku, and Rich Hutson -- FIRE Fitnessenjoys a leadership position in the premium boutique segment in Malaysia,delivering some of the most popular boutique fitness class experiences1in the market today. There are currently four FIRE Fitness clubs -- orFirestations -- in Malaysia, delivering virtual and physical proprietary classessuch as BARRE, FORCE, RIDE, STRIDE, and STRIKE.
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"FIRE Fitness'sSignature programmes are designed to deliver engaging and uplifting results-drivenfitness experiences in an intimate boutique environment. From the consistentlyfull classes and bookings on the waitlist in the early days of the brand until thisvery day, it's clear that we have a winning formula -- from innovative programmedesign and studio concepts, to the inspiring FIRE trainers and the tight-knit communityof fans we have managed to grow over the years," said FIRE Fitness co-founderDave Nuku.
FIRE Fitness'sSignature programmes are time-efficient and geared towards delivering resultswhile transcending various exercise modalities; 80% of Signature classescomprise fusion classes which not only challenge the body in new ways, but alsokeeps fans motivated with variety. For example, STRIDE combines treadmillrunning, weight training, and body weight movement, while in a STRIKEprogramme, treadmill work is replaced by boxing moves. RIDE Yoga, on the otherhand, combines thirty minutes of high intensity sprints, followed by a poweryoga segment which presents participants with the thrill of HIIT cycling andthe calmness of yoga.
"This year, weembarked on our online offering of Signature programmes, and were pleased to beable to attract a diverse global audience within the first month -- we sawpeople from as far away as Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Honduras,India, Mexico, and the UK tuning in. This shows just how strongly the FIREprogrammes resonate around the world, which gives us tremendous confidence aswe launch our licensing programme," he continued.
"The FIRE Fitnesslicensing programme is truly unique with our entry-level yet high-quality FIRE-brandedHIIT studio 'FIRE Revolution' delivering a capex-light concept, which is highlyaccessible to fitness entrepreneurs, while at the premium end of the spectrum,investors in a FIRE license also have the option to open one or moreproprietary studio concepts under the same roof. For example, our downtownKuala Lumpur club is a three-studio outlet, delivering FORCE, STRIKE, and BARREprogrammes at the one location," said Simon Flint, CEO, EvolutionWellness.
"Licensees will benefit from the expertise and industryknow-how of Asia's leading health club operator, and receive on-going supportin the form of marketing materials and workout content, among others. The FIRE Signature class innovation pipeline is strong,and we are committed to continuing to deliver new fitness experiences to themarket, and with the look and feel of the brand being every bit as excitingas the classes delivered on a daily basis, we can't wait to see how the globalfitness market responds to this great opportunity," Flint concluded.
For more informationabout FIRE Fitness licensing opportunities, please contact Evolution Wellness Directorfor Growth & Innovation Nad Myan (nad.myan@evolutionwellness.com)or visit https://bit.ly/FIREFitnessInvest.
Notes to the editor:
1. FIRE Fitness has received morethan 5,000 ratings on ClassPass to date, with fans giving the classes anaverage rating of 4.8 stars out of 5.
2. Download more images of FIRE Fitness here.
FIRE Fitness was founded in September 2015with the aim to help people ignite and fuel their inner motivation to lead arich, full life inspired by fitness. Today, FIRE Fitness enjoys a leadershipposition in the premium boutique segment, delivering some of the most popularfitness class experiences in the market today including the proprietary BARRE, FORCE,RIDE, STRIDE, and STRIKE at their four clubs in Malaysia, known asFirestations. Want to live a life on FIRE? Check out www.firefitness.com.my to find out how.
Evolution Wellness is the owner and operator of Asia's largestwholly-owned network of fitness clubs. Established in 2017 following the comingtogether of two leading fitness brands in Southeast Asia -- Celebrity Fitnessand Fitness First -- we're on a journey of growth 'from fitness to wellness.'
Our vision is to build a comprehensive wellness ecosystem for our membersand customers, and providing a compelling range of propositions to help thembecome the best versions of themselves. With a network of more than 170properties across six countries, we're focused on leveraging the strength ofour brands, and continuing to grow our business through continuous innovation,expansion, diversification, with robust strategic governance.
For more information about Evolution Wellness and our portfolio brands,please visit www.evolutionwellness.com.