HONG KONG,CHINA - Media OutReach -10 September 2020 - In the midst of the pandemic, everyone looks to honetheir cooking skills while staying home. To help spice up the eating-at-homeroutine, the Hong Kong and China GasCompany (Towngas) proudly launches its "top"-of-the-town Towngas CookingYouTube Channel. With a celebrity chef ensemble sprinkling flame cooking ideasaround, the professional culinary platform promises to kindle your interest incooking and enrich your recipe collection -- from casual cooking to gourmetdinner; local daily deli, Japanese, Korean, Thai cuisine, French pastry to even healthy andtasty veggie dishes -- you name it, we have it!
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Star chefs reveal secrets of flame cookingand share over 500 recipes
When it comesto keeping well, a healthy diet is just as vital as protective gear. Withlimited opportunities to dine out these days, it becomes particularly importantto expand your repertoire of recipes. The Towngas Cooking YouTube Channelfeatures your favourite celebrity chefs, including Chef Paul, Master ChowChung, Swiss chef Jacques Kagi, French cuisine guru and Disciples EscoffierProfessional Diploma graduate Joey Leung, celebrity mom Skye Chan, Super-Daddy Kay Ho, Star DoctorMarcus Kwok, YouTuber PortugalStory-Telling Chef John Rocha and Warm-boy Chef Andy Dark -- toname but a few -- who will take turns to present professional cookery advice anddemos on a daily basis. In addition to live instructions, these culinarymaestros will share essential facts about foods, give pointers on handlingingredients and condiments, and reveal their best hidden secrets of cooking!With a collection of over 500 simple recipes that will soon be presented one byone from now on, anyone can be a super chef!
A promising flame cooking platform whereexperts in various cuisines convene
When askedabout the launch of the Towngas Cooking YouTube Channel, Towngas GeneralManager -- Retail Marketing and Sales, Catherine Wong remarks, "Since the numberof COVID-19 cases has fluctuated lately, many people prefer cooking at homeover dining out. According to market research, there's an exponential growth insearches for recipes. In response to the demand, Towngas launches our very ownflame cooking platform Towngas Cooking YouTube Channel, where star chefsspecializing in different cuisines convene. We have celebrity chefs, Frenchcooking gurus, doctor, parentingexperts, YouTubers, and many more, who are eager to sharetips and advice on flame cooking, culinary inspirations, and innovative dishes.It promises to ignite your passion for cooking, sharpen your cooking skills,and fill your kitchen with delightful flavours! With our channel, anyone isjust a few clicks from being a super chef!"
Towngas Cooking YouTubeChannel September to October Features:
Monday | Healthy Monday
Instructed by physician Marcus Kwok and Mimi Veggie Doris Wong, author of "Vegetarian Dishes That Satisfy Vegans and Meat-lovers Alike", who will share recipes for healthy and delicious dishes. With careful seasoning and cooking styles, healthy eating can be easily achieved! | Instructed by Marcus Kwok
Instructed by Mimi Veggie - Doris Wong
Tuesday | Intensive Course for Domestic Helpers
A Chinese cooking boot camp tailored for domestic helpers, these sessions are conducted in Filipino and Indonesian. |
Wednesday | French Wednesday
French cuisine guru Joey Leung gives cookery demos on authentic French cooking style. Turn your home kitchen into a French kitchen! |
Thursday | Culinary Tips4U | Fai Gor's Kitchen
Friday | KOL Friday
Online influencers share innovative cooking ideas and personal kitchen stories. | Instructed by John Rocha
Instructed by Andy Dark
Saturday | Star Chef Weekend
Star chefs give instructions on preparing gourmet dishes and troubleshoot common culinary mistakes. No more sweat in the kitchen! | Instructed by Chef Paul
Instructed by Master Chow Chung
Sunday | Sunday Mom & Dad
Skye Chan and Kay Ho share parenting tips and recipes for healthy and delicious dishes to address picky eating habits in children. | Instructed by Skye Chan
Instructed by Kay Ho
The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limitedofficially established the Towngas Cooking Centre in May 1977. For over 40years, we have promoted the joy of flame cooking to inter-generationalcustomers. The Towngas Cooking Centre at Lee Theatre is equipped with cookingtables with adjustable heights for young kids so members at all ages can enjoyflame cooking. We have a vast array of culinary courses tailored to variousneeds, such as the Excellent Wife Certificate programme for beginners, and theCrash Course for Students Abroad to prepare youngsters who are going to studyoverseas.
As a pioneer in culinary education, weunderstand the demand for professional culinary training in the market. Leadingthe trend in cookery, we have partnered with Disciples Escoffier to bringDisciples Escoffier Diploma in Culinary Arts and the Disciples EscoffierDiploma in Pastry to Hong Kong. Graduates will be awarded the "Level 5 NationalDiploma in French Cuisine or Pastry", which is accredited by the FrenchMinistry of Education. With this Grand Diploma, students are granted thequalification to pursue their career as professional cooks or open restaurantsin France. This partnership with Disciples Escoffier takes the culinaryeducation experience to a whole new level.
In response to the varied cooking needsduring the pandemic, Towngas Cooking Centre has adopted different creative teachingmodes, including in-person classes, online courses, and premium onlineprogrammes whose participants will receive curated ingredients by courier.Participants will watch live tutorial classes while having hands-on practice athome, and have their questions addressed simultaneously. All these innovation allowsour customers enjoy cooking at home!
For Towngas Cooking Channel YouTube
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