TAIPEI, TAIWAN - Media OutReach - 10 September 2020 - In the advent of challenges posed by criticalissues such as climate change, global pandemics and social justice, what cancivilians in the modern era, those without power and resource, do to help? Tolook into this question, the Tang Prize Foundation, in collaboration withNational Taiwan University, will stage the 2020 Tang Prize Masters' Forum forRule of Law from 10:30 to 13:00 (GMT+8), Taiwan time, on September 21. Threenon-governmental organizations (NGOs) that jointly won the 2020 Tang Prize inRule of Law, Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association, Dejusticia: theCenter for Law, Justice and Society, and The Legal Agenda, will speak on thetopic, "Exploring the Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in theContemporary Civil Society," sharing their experience of mobilizing the civilsociety to facilitate the application of law and to change the world for thebetter.
These three awardees are praised forutilizing strategic litigation, education and advocacy to advance legalinstitutions and protect socially vulnerable populations, in the milieus wherethe foundations of rule of law are under severe challenge. The Foundation hopesthis Forum will be an opportunity for members of modern society who have longbeen concerned about public issues, including civil servants, experts andsocial advocate groups, to get together and get a deeper understanding of howthese three organizations tap into the potential of civil society, and combineacademic research and social activism to further the rule of law.
Also taking part in this Forum are leadingadvocates for the rule of law in Taiwan: Robin J. Winkler, former president ofEnvironmental Jurist Association, Mei-Nu Yu, former chairperson of theAwakening Foundation, Clarence Chou, chairman of Taiwan Association for HumanRights, and Lucas Wang, chair of the International Cooperation Team of theJudicial Reform Foundation. They will be exchanging ideas with the Laureatesabout the dedicated work in the field they have been conducting over the years.
Hosted by Dr. Jiunn-rong Yeh, chair professorof National Taiwan University, this Forum features not only speakers andpanelists of diverse backgrounds and specialties, but also former Tang PrizeLaureates in Rule of Law, including former Justice of the Constitutional Courtof South Africa, Albie Sachs and former Special Representative forInternational Migration for the United Nations, Louise Arbour. Both will offertheir insightful observations on the vital functions the NGOs can perform andthe problems they are confronted with.
Recent stringent restrictions and regulationsimposed by the governments to contain the COVID-19 outbreaks have become someof the most imminent challenges the NGOs around the world have to respond to.In addition to defending the fundamental rights of the marginalized groups, theNGOs have to prevent governments from disguising means to expand administrativepower as measures against the pandemic, at the expense of individual liberty.At this critical period of time, we cordially invite you to join us in thisForum, to give voice to the people and to the environment we reside incollectively, to examine the "new normal" in the age of COVID-19, and to viewdifferent communities with different values and capabilities in the contemporarysociety from a new perspective.
To watch a 1-minute video about this year'sMasters' Forums, please click on https://reurl.cc/d5xKr8.For more information about the forum, please visit https://www.tang-prize.org/en/week.php?cat=94.
Dr. SamuelYin, chairman of Ruentex Group, founded the Tang Prize in December of 2012 asan extension of the supreme value his family placed on education. Harkeningback to the golden age of the Tang Dynasty in Chinese history, the Tang Prizeseeks to be an inspiring force for people working in all corners of the world.For more information on the Tang Prize and its laureates, please visit www.tang-prize.org