SINGAPORE - MediaOutReach - 17September 2020 - Infor, a global leader in business cloud software specialized byindustry, announcedat its Inforum 2020 digital customer summit that Germanlogistics giant DB Schenker has taken home the "Best in Services" title, foraccelerating cloud transformation across its global warehousing, logistics andsupply chain systems in Asia Pacific.
Infor's annual awardsrecognize customers that drive innovation and showcaseexceptional business results. A panel of Infor solution and industryexperts evaluated each applicant on scope and depth of performance improvement, quantifiablebusiness benefits, customer focus and satisfaction, and technology use andinnovation.
DB Schenker supportsindustry and trade in the global exchange of goods through land transport,worldwide air and ocean freight, contract logistics and supply chainmanagement. With Infor's Warehouse Management Software (WMS), the companyis creating a modern, next-generation warehouse managementsystem and fully-digital supply chain network. This has already enabled DB Schenkerto increase warehouse productivity, enhance end-to-end insight across itssupply chain, and deliver on shorter customer lead times.
DrivingFuture-forward Warehouse Innovation
Schenkerleveraged Infor's WMS with the aim to reduce manual processes and increasewarehouse agility and productivity. The next-generation smart system, which is alreadydeployed to provide cutting-edge warehousing services to several hundred DB Schenkercustomers in Asia and ANZ, also powers Schenker's new state-of-the-art RedLion warehouse in Singapore, that seamlessly synchronizes and bridges thefacility's automations and operational workflows. This has already proven toincrease the company's warehouse productivity by up to 100% compared to manualprocesses and has effectively reduced the lead time for customers by 40%compared to non-integrated facilities. With this increased agility andvelocity, Schenker is better equipped to meet high-order volumes and complexcustomer demands in a dynamic and rapidly evolving market.
Accordingto Thomas Peter, Chief Information Officer for DB Schenker in Asia Pacific, theflexibility, and highly-configurable features of the WMS system are importantin driving supply chain service quality and resilience. "The nature of thelogistics and supply chain sector requires best practice processes tailored toour customers industries. To deploy such best practices fast and ensurerepeatable and reliable warehousing services to our valued customers acrossAPAC is building on highly configurable Infor based WMS solution."
DeliveringVisibility and Customer Value
Schenker ispaving its way towards a fully digital, next-generation supply chain networkusing the Infor Nexus commerce network as its logistics backbone. The solutionhas enabled Schenker to gain greater end-to-end visibility across its supplychain, with increased insights that have empowered the company to create differentiatedvalue for its customers, including enhanced shipment visibility and predictive estimatedtime of arrival (ETA) notifications.
"DBSchenker is committed to evolving and growing with our customers' businesses. Continualinvestment in technology and innovation are critical to achieving that goal. We'reproud to be receiving this award for Best in Service, and are glad to havefound a trusted technology partner in Infor -- who understands our businessneeds, is quick to implement the appropriate solutions, and has deliveredstrong service results consistently throughout the years," said Peter.
Inforexecutive vice president and general manager of Asia Pacific and Middle EastAfrica, Helen Masters, congratulated the company on its win, and said that shewas thrilled to partner DB Schenker in its digitization journey.
"Infor isproud to be a long-time strategic business partner of DB Schenker here inSingapore, and globally. I congratulate DB Schenker on clinching the InforCustomer Excellence Award 2020 for its exceptional use of Infor technology in theRed Lion warehouse, one of the first fully-intelligent and integratedair freight and contract logistics hubs of its kind," said Masters.
"DBSchenker understands that technology is the key to equipping players withinsights that can spur innovation, especially in the face of uncertainty. The global crisis hasexposed new vulnerabilities in supply chain networks. Businesses today need torealize that having end-to-end visibility across the entire supply chainecosystem is imperative to building business resilience and long-term success. TheInfor WMS system is built specifically to address these challenges -- providingunprecedented visibility into inventory, orders, and equipment, so that ourpartners can increase product velocity and enrich the ways they deliver valueto customers, even amidst a challenging market," said Masters.
Media Contact:
Phyllis Tan
Infor Asia Pacific
+65 9799 9133
With around 76,900 employees at more than 2,100locations in over
130 countries, DB Schenker is one of the world'sleading logistics providers.
The company operates land, air, and oceantransportation services, and it also
offers comprehensive solutions for logistics andglobal supply chain
management from a single source.
Infor is a global leader in business cloud software specialized byindustry. Providing mission-critical enterprise applications to 67,000customers in more than 175 countries, Infor software is designed to delivermore value and less risk, with more sustainable operational advantages. Weempower our 17,000 employees to leverage their deep industry expertise and usedata-driven insights to create, learn and adapt quickly to solve emergingbusiness and industry challenges. Infor is committed to providing our customerswith modern tools to transform their business and accelerate their own path toinnovation. To learn more, please visit www.infor.com.