SINGAPORE- Media OutReach - 31October 2019 - BetterTradeOff, a Singapore-headquartered FinTech start-up, todayannounced three prominent appointments as it ramps up capabilities for its life-planningsolution which is being used by some of the world's leading financialinstitutions, plus the planned rollout of a new direct to consumer proposition"UP".
Karen Fawcett joins BetterTradeOff as a Non-executive Director,bringing valuable insight and strategic counsel to BTO's senior management. Karenis currently a Non-Executive Director of INSEAD and formerly Global CEO ofretail banking as well as Head of Brand and Marketing at Standard Chartered. Ms.Fawcett has had an extremely broad, career across wholesale and retail banking,global strategy plus brand and marketing. Prior to her career in banking, Ms.Fawcett was a Partner with Booz Allen Hamilton specialising in financialservices in the Asia-Pacific region.
Shannon Cullum joins BetterTradeOff as Chief Marketing Officer,bringing with him over 25 years of experience in the world of marketing andcommunications, including nine as a CEO within leading multinational adnetworks Saatchi & Saatchi and MullenLowe. He has worked on more than a hundred multimedia brandcampaigns, spanning 30 plus countries and over 20 consumer categories. He joinsBetterTradeOff to lead development of the B2C brand proposition and spearheadthe consumer launch.
Alex Shiu has been appointed as Chief Product Officer. He joins BetterTradeOfffrom Hotels.com where he was most recently Head of Strategy and BusinessDevelopment for Asia Pacific, leading commercial trading and long-rangestrategic development of the brand in the Asia Pacific region. Alex is aSilicon Valley and Asia Pacific eCommerce veteran with a wealth of experience acrossmajor online marketplaces and globally scalable platform businesses, includingeBay, Yahoo!, Walmart eCommerce, Lazada and Expedia.
BTO currently provides the world's leading financialinstitutions with a collaborative platform that allows advisors to worktogether with clients on a plan to finance and protect their dreams. The platformcombats the complexities of traditional financial planning, leveragingreal-time data and analytics to help advisors provide clients with a meaningfuland intuitive understanding of their current financial situation.
BetterTradeOff will soon launch a direct-to-consumerversion of its life-planning tool.
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