SINGAPORE- Media OutReach - 25 October 2019 - Singapore-based Halza announces theirpartnership with leading industrial computer provider, iEi, to bring the HalzaAPP to Taiwanese consumers and medical tourists visiting Taiwanese hospitalsand clinics.
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MeetEmily, the self-directed mom!
SayHello to Emily Chin. She loves her children more than anything else in thisworld.
As ayoung professional mother of two and a proud wife, she is responsible foreveryone in the family, including her partner and parents. They seek her warm,tender support.
Tired,late at night, after a full day of work with her international clients, shelooks in the mirror in her room and quietly smiles. Now, she has the time tocare for herself. As a pre-diabetic, she must make sure she also stays healthy.
Patientsmanage their health with ease
The HalzaAPP empowers Emily and her family by organizing all their medical records. Itis designed for intuitive use. On the go and 24/7, Emily can switch between herown account, her children's, her partner's and her parents'.
With theHalza APP, Emily is better informed and so are the family doctors, thedentists, the paediatrician, the cardiologist, the gynaecologist, and theendocrinologist that she visits.
Halzahelps Emily and her family. Halza helps EVERY family.
In amobile world, the consumer is central to everything. Healthcare is changingglobally. Health records are now with the patient.
Halza-- Keep Connected, Stay Healthy
iEi andHalza are proud to announce their joint venture by bringing the Halza APP toTaiwan for medical tourists and for the Taiwanese to manage their health moreeffectively. Doctors are happy, they get through their work more efficiently.Patients enter Taiwan with peace of mind as all their medical records aresecurely stored on Microsoft AZURE and available to switch between 26languages.
Halzaat the 2019 Healthcare Expo
Halzawill be showcased to the public and healthcare officials in Taiwan duringHealthcare Expo, December 5-8, Nangang Exhibition center in Taipei. The HalzaAPP is available on Google Play and the App Store. Sign up for a free HalzaSocial subscription and start benefitting today from the most consumer-friendlydigital healthcare APP globally available.
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Halza&hl=en_SG
App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/halza/id1236734599
iEiHalza Joint-Venture for Taiwan
iEiHalza HealthIntelligence is the Taiwan-based joint-venture between Taipei-basediEi Technology Inc and Singapore-based Halza. The joint venture is empowered tobring Halza's APP to Taiwanese consumers and medical tourists visitingTaiwanese hospitals and clinics.
IEIIntegration Corp. builds up the business as a leading industrial computerprovider and turns to artificial intelligence and networking edge computing. Incollaboration with our regional branches around the world, IEI aims atdeveloping a complete AIoT industrial ecosphere to become a leader in theindustry by integrating our diversified hardware products with flexiblesoftware. Moreover, IEI continues to promote its own-brand products as well asserving ODM vertical markets to offer complete and professional services,including healthcare solution aims at decreasing human error in the workflowand creating a paperless environment by utilizing IEI smart medical products.
Singaporebased Halza, a member of the Nijkerk Group stores, track and shares medicaldata. With Halza you can securely communicate in private with Doctors, familyand select friends. You and your family records are private. The Nijkerk Group,a privately held Industrial Information Technology group with dual headquartersin Singapore and Amsterdam has been iEi's business partner since 1992.