
LONDON,UK - Media OutReach - October 25, 2019 - Asthe job market becomes ever more competitive, more and more employers arelooking at postgraduate qualifications to distinguish candidates from thecrowd. For the MBA program in particular, global employer demand for graduateshas risen by 13% year-on-year, and by 18% in Asia1.
Reflectingthis trend, QS Quacquarelli Symonds, known for publishing the World UniversityRankings, will be hosting the largest postgraduate events of the year at theSuntec exhibition centre.
TheWorld Grad School Tour and World MBA Tour are making their way across Asia,arriving in Manila on 18 - 19th November. These two free eventscater to hopeful masters and MBA candidates respectively, offering Singaporeansthe chance to meet admissions directors and explore educational options fromacross the world.
Morethan 40 highly ranked universities will be attending, representing 14 countries-- including 11 from the United States, and 7 each from Canada and Singapore.
Schoolsparticipating include2:
- National University of Singapore (Ranked 11th globally)
- University of Pennsylvania (15th globally)
- New York University (39th globally)
- Michigan Ross (19th MBA globally)
- CEIBS (25th globally)
Furthermore,as the costs of higher education continue to increase, all attendees at eitherevent will become eligible to apply for a pool of scholarships worth $7million, offered by participating schools and partnered institutions. $1.3million are entirely exclusive to event attendees.
Fairgoerswill also be able to meet with the administrators of the IELTS and GREexaminations, two leading assessments in international study. Panels andseminars presented by attending schools will offer unique expert insights intothe admission and application process.
Toenable attendees to fully contextualise the role of a postgraduatequalification within their career path, a professional career coach will offercareer advice and feedback on CVs.
Alumnifrom prominent postgraduate programs will also attend to share theirexperiences and insights with the future candidates.
The events are free to attend, withregistration open online.
WorldGrad School Tour
Monday November 18th,15:00-20:00
QSWorld MBA Tour
Tuesday November 19th, 16:30 --21:00
Makati Shangri-la, Ayala Avenue
1.Data from the QS Jobs & Salary Trends Report 2018
2 Data from the QS World University Rankings 2020 and QS World MBARankings 2020