HONG KONG, CHINA - MediaOutReach - 24 October 2019 - China DisplayOptoelectronics Technology Holdings Limited ("Ch Display Opt" or the"Company", together with its subsidiaries, the "Group"; HKSE stock code: 334) is pleased to announce its unaudited financial andoperating data for the nine months ended 30 September 2019 (the "Period").
During the Period, the Group'srevenue amounted to RMB4,545million, representing ayear-on-year increase of 78.0%. In terms of the non-processing products, therevenue of laminated LCD module products recorded a rise of 79.2% year on-year to RMB3,642 million;the revenue of non-laminated LCD module products was RMB653 million, representingan increase of 25.3% year-on-year. Driven by the orders placed by first-tierbrand customers, the Group's sales volume increased by 144.1% year-on-year to79.5 million units. The overall average selling price (excluding processingmodules) during the Period decreased by 3.4% year on-year to RMB75.7, becausethe raw materials of certain products had been provided by customers directlyduring the first half of 2019, thus the cost of such raw materials was notreflected in the selling price for the relevant products. However, the overallaverage selling price (excluding processing LCD modules) for the third quarterincreased by 2.3% year on-year to RMB87.9, due to the improvement in productmix. During the Period, the Group's revenue from processing products amountedto RMB251 million.
In the meantime, the Group has been recognized byvarious global first-tier brands after the vertical integration with ShenzhenChina Star Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd*(深圳市華星光電技術有限公司)together with its subsidiaries. By capitalizing onthe existing partnerships, the Group will continue to strengthen its customerbase, actively reduce costs and increase efficiency to maximize productionefficacy and effectiveness. At the same time, the Group will elevate its researchand development capabilities to enhance and prepare for developing advanceddisplay technology, including in-display fingerprint and AMOLED technologies,so as to lay a solid foundation for future operation. Meanwhile, the Group isalso increasing its presence in the smart home and automotive display marketsto capture the immense opportunities therein, as well as expanding its businesshorizontally.
Lookingahead, the management of Ch Display Opt said, "Itis expected that the uncertainties of the global economy will continue to mountup due to the Sino-US trade frictions and intensifying geopolitical tensions.Although the development focus of the global semiconductor display industry hasgradually shifted to China, oversupply persisted during the Period. Meanwhile,the volatility of the US market has also led to the reorganization of theglobal smartphone market and the related supply chains. In the long run, theGroup still remains cautiously optimistic about the development prospects ofthe display module business and believes that its competitiveness will befurther reinforced by improving the industrial value chain and enhancing itstechnology and scale advantages. The Group will maintain a balance betweensales and healthy progress in the midst of challenges, and be committed tocreating greater value for the Group and its shareholders."
TheGroup's revenue by product segment and respective year-on-year changes during the Period were as follows:
| Nine months ended 30 September 2019 (RMB'000) | Nine months ended 30 September 2018 (RMB'000) | Change (%) |
Sale of TFT LCD module | |||
Non-laminated modules | 652,889 | 520,889 | +25.3% |
Laminated modules | 3,641,837 | 2,032,666 | +79.2% |
Processing TFT LCD module | |||
Non-laminated modules | 24,038 | - | N/A |
Laminated modules | 226,716 | - | N/A |
Total | 4,545,480 | 2,553,555 | +78.0% |
TheGroup's sales volume by product segment and respective year-on-year changes during the Period were as follows:
| Nine months ended 30 September 2019 ('000 units) | Nine months ended 30 September 2018 ('000 units) | Change (%) |
Sale of TFT LCD module | |||
Non-laminated modules | 15,068 | 11,916 | +26.5% |
Laminated modules | 41,640 | 20,656 | +101.6% |
Processing TFT LCD module | |||
Non-laminated modules | 2,835 | - | N/A |
Laminated modules | 19,968 | - | N/A |
Total | 79,511 | 32,572 | +144.1% |
Headquarteredin China, China Display Optoelectronics Technology Holdings Limited (HKSE stockcode: 334) is one of the major providers of small-to-medium-sized displaymodules in the region. Ch Display Opt engages primarily in the research anddevelopment, manufacturing, sales and distribution of LCD modules mainly fordevices on an ODM basis. Smartphone LCD module products of Ch Display Opt arewelcomed by domestic and overseas manufacturers,according to IHS MARKIT data, the company ranked No.5 in terms of handset products' revenue amongChinese display module makers during first half of 2019.
For more information, please visit its website at www.cdoth8.com.
Issued by Cornerstones Communications Ltd. on behalf of China Display Optoelectronics TechnologyHoldings Limited.