SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 24 October2019 - Delta Electronics International (Singapore), aprovider of power and thermal management solutions, and JTC Corporation (JTC), thelead government agency responsible for developing industrial infrastructure to support andcatalyze the growth of industries and transforming existing enterprises inSingapore, today signed an MOU for collaboration as strategic partners to driveadoption of Industry 4.0 technology. Delta will set up an I4.0 Solutions andTraining Center to support JTC customers, upskill SME partners and provide advancedautomation solutions to tackle problem statements in Singapore's manufacturingindustry.
Mr. Jackie Chang, VicePresident, Southeast Asia andIndia of Delta Electronics, Inc., said, "Delta is greatly looking forward tocollaborating with JTC to support its customers with our deep domain knowledgein electronics. We focus specifically on execution and address the immediatechallenges in connectivity and automation that Singapore's SMEs face. At thesame time, Delta is enhancing advanced automation diagnosis, training andconsultation to foster the next generation of talents."
Mr Ng Lang, Chief Executive Officer of JTC, said"With more businesses in our estates looking to transform their businessthrough digitalization, we see value in curating a spectrum of partners to helpthem start, scale and sustain their Industry 4.0 journey and capture new opportunitiesin the region. Specializing in industrial automation and smart city solutions,Delta can lend their expertise and best practices to support more businesses ontheir Industry 4.0 transformation."
As a global smartmanufacturing and energy-efficient solutions provider, Delta helps customersimplement complete automated systems based on its rich experiences. Forefficient I4.0 operations, Delta's PLC smart production demo line leveragedDelta smart manufacturing solutions and smart machines to enhance itsproduction capacity by around 70%, reduce production space by around 35% andincrease direct human per capita output value by 3-5 times.
To help JTC's customersrealize the benefits of adopting I4.0 technology in business operations, Deltawill set up a I4.0 Solutions and Training Center to support the following keyelements of the JTC-Delta Industry Transformation Initiative (JTC-DeltaITI):
Delta joins JTC'snetwork of I4.0 Partners to support JTC customers' transformation journey inthe four broad categories: Diagnostic and Advisory, Enabling Technologies,Training and Capability Development and Funding Support and Financing. JTC andDelta will also cooperate to promote and increase awareness of the JTC-DeltaITI and Delta will join JTC's I4.0 related events and provide practicaltraining and technical advisory to JTC customers.
Delta, founded in 1971, is a global provider of switching power suppliesand thermal management products with a thriving portfolio of smart energy-savingsystems and solutions in the fields of industrial automation, buildingautomation, telecom power, data center infrastructure, EV charging, renewableenergy, energy storage and display, to nurture the development of smartmanufacturing and sustainable cities. As a world-class corporate citizenguided by its mission statement, "To provide innovative, clean andenergy-efficient solutions for a better tomorrow," Delta leverages its corecompetence in high-efficiency power electronics and its CSR-embedded businessmodel to address key environmental issues, such as climate change. Deltaserves customers through its sales offices, R&D centers and manufacturingfacilities spread over close to 200 locations across 5 continents.
Throughout its history, Delta has received various global awards andrecognition for its business achievements, innovative technologies anddedication to CSR. Since 2011, Delta has been listed on the DJSI World Index ofDow Jones Sustainability™ Indices for 9 consecutive years. In 2017, Delta wasselected by CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) for its Climate ChangeLeadership Level for the 2nd consecutive year.
For detailed information about Delta, please visit:www.deltaww.com