HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 24 Oct 2019 - CyberportVenture Capital Forum (CVCF), Cyberport's annual major tech investment event, will return on 5-6 November. The event will map out the latest trends in the tech venture capital market with a world class rosterof top investors, industryleaders, tech companies in the region, as well as rising stars from theCyberport community through a plethora of illuminating keynotes and panel discussions. Cyberport will also be announcing the investment-matching achievementsof its investment platform Cyberport Investors Network (CIN) as it celebratesits second anniversary.
The event'soverarching theme "New Frontier of Tech Venturing" will uncover themulti-faceted dimensions of tech funding, including the rise of corporate venturing,outlook on the tech investment scene in the US, China and the Belt & Roadregion, strategy formulation for family and early stage investments, newfunding tech platforms and more.
Peter Yan, CEO ofCyberport, states that, "Ascorporations have come to realise how innovation and technology is essential togaining a competitive edge, the appetite for strategic investment in the areais stronger than ever before. We are pleased to see the growing desire fordigital transformation and continuous growth in corporate venturing. As a keydriver of Hong Kong's new economy, Cyberport will continue to connect venturecapitalist, enterprises and start-ups through the Cyberport Venture CapitalForum, the Cyberport Investors Network and its vast enterprise network to findsolutions for market pain points and bridge potential start-ups with investors."
To showcase Cyberport companies' cutting edgeinnovative technologies and facilitate investment matching, over 30 local start-ups, including many fromthe Cyberport Community, will showcase their products and solutions at the Innovator Showcase,while the Founder Stage will feature start-ups in the fields ofFinTech, InsurTech, digital entertainment, esports, and smart living to pitchtheir innovative projects to investors. One-on-one onsite meetings will also be pre-scheduled based on mutualinvestment appetites and funding demands via the forum's exclusive onlineInvestor Matching platform to facilitate investment and fundraising opportunities.
This year's forum hasan impressive line-up of more than 40 rising stars and top experts from majorindustry players such as Gobi Partners China, Tencent Investment, IESE BusinessSchool, C Ventures, PM Equity Partner, Telstra Ventures, China ResourcesCapital Management, CLP Holdings Limited, Prudential Corporation Asia, AlibabaHong Kong Entrepreneurs Fund, Happiness Capital, Radiant Venture Capital, HendaleCapital and CoCoon Ignite Ventures amongst many others.
Michael Zhu, Managing Partner of GobiPartners China, will headline theevent with an in-depth overview of current market development as well as futuretrend predictions of the high-tech venture investment in China and along theBelt and Road countries. Josemaria Siota, Director of Research of IESEBusiness School, will also dispel myths of corporate venturing backed byresults from his recent report findings.
Other paneldiscussions will explore industry related hot topics such as family ventures,early stage investing and investor-investee synergy, innovative fundingplatforms disrupting the tech capital market, and tech investment market outlookalong the Belt & Road region and China. There will also be discussions aboutthe US-China tech cold war impacting start-ups and cross-border capital flow.
Cyberport InvestorsNetwork (CIN) continues to facilitate investment-matching as it celebrates itssecond anniversary
Through CIN, whichwas established specifically for the Cyberport Community, Cyberport has helpedstart-ups raise capital while offering investment insight and experience. The networkhas achieved remarkable investment-matching partnerships for the Cyberportcommunity over the past two years. Cindy Chow, Executive Director of AlibabaHong Kong Entrepreneurs Fund, will succeed Duncan Chiu, Co-Founder andManaging Director of Radiant Venture Capital, at the forum as the new steeringgroup chairperson to continue to build on his success and accelerate the growthof the start-up environment in Hong Kong.
CVCF is a highlyanticipated flagship tech venture event for investors and entrepreneurs in thedigital technology domain. For moredetails of the Cyberport Venture Capital Forum 2019 programme rundown and full speaker line-up, please visit: https://cvcf.cyberport.hk/
Members of the media interested in interviewing thespeakers can fill in the interview request form and email itto wendy.chan@creativegp.com by 1 Nov 2019.
Cyberport is an innovativedigital community with over 1,400 start-ups and technology companies. It ismanaged by Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited, which is whollyowned by the Hong Kong SAR Government. With a vision to be the hub for digitaltechnology thereby creating a new economic driver for Hong Kong.