SINGAPORE - MediaOutReach - 26 August 2019 - In light of a global market downturn, ERARealty Network (ERA) is stepping up to mitigate its salespersons' costs by removingobstacles hindering their efficiency and productivity. The industry leader hasdeveloped free digital tools for it's over 6,900-strong network; driving the growthof the agency for the remaining half of the year.
These tools were unveiled at the agency's Q3'19Career Advancement Day, a quarterly conference held to recognise ERA top leadersand producers.
Transformingin-house virtual office into a lead-generating machine
ERA has developed a lead generation tool thatwould enable its salespersons to cut through the clutter and gain valuableinformation on potential sellers. It will be pulling statistics from multiple datapoints such as Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) and Housing andDevelopment Board (HDB); generating big data into strategic reports that areuseful and tangible for its salespersons.
Accessed via the agency's internal iERA mobile application, currently inits seventh version, ERA salespersons can generate lists of past profitabletransactions by filtering data, based on set criteria such as dates, districts,types of development, profitable transaction count and minimum profitpercentage etc., anytime anywhere.
In its first phase, the lead generation tool is able to generatebusiness leads for these key target groups of sellers:
- Resale condominium owners, who are sitting onprofit
- Owners of Built-to-order (BTO) projects nearingMinimum Occupation Period (MOP)
- Owners of Executive Condominiums (EC) nearingMinimum Occupation Period (MOP)
- Owners of condominiums that have hit TemporaryOccupation Period (TOP)
- Profitable Resales
"Before, in order to gain insights into such data, salespersons had tospend an inordinate amount of time doing intensive research on differentplatforms; even poring through traditional channels such as the streetdirectories. With this new analytics tool, salespersons can directly accesspotential customers at no cost, thereby raising their work efficiency andreducing their cost spent in getting customer leads," says Mr Marcus Chu,Chief Operating Officer, ERA Realty Network.
"With this funnel approach, thepath to sales conversions is greatly shortened. The generation of targetedleads will allow ERA salespersons to outsmart the current difficult market inorder to reach out to the remaining pool of sellers and make better decisionswhen conducting their marketing campaigns -- no matter via direct mailers or on socialmedia," added Chu.
Optimisationof Resources: ERA "Tagger On-Demand"
In the same vein, the agency revealed another digital initiative fortheir salespersons to facilitate their work processes. Introducing ERA "Tagger On-Demand",an in-app tool that allows salespersons to request for the presence of projectspecialists at respective showflats, just by the click of a button. This is afar cry from the traditional way of reaching out to project specialists byphone calls and text messages.
Besides improving the agency's efficiency, the implementation of this tagteam system in ERA also ties back to their commitment to strengthen the bondsbetween its salespersons, as well as promoting a sense of togetherness andteamwork in the organisation.
Investment inPredictive AI and PropTech Start-up, UrbanZoom
The million-dollar strategic collaboration between APAC Realty and UrbanZoomprovides real-time and precise residential market data, which is now availableto all ERA salespersons. UrbanZoom utilises a proprietary artificial intelligence (AI)algorithms to analyse millions of data points derived from regulatory, industryand other public sources. With the report, you can predict the following:
- Home value
- Home's price history
- Home's valuation in comparison to all homes andHDBs in Singapore
- Probability of sale price versus the expected timeto sell
- Overview of home transactions in the neighbourhood
- Comprehensive sales transaction analysis by HDBindex, median HDB prices between two neighbourhoods, number of sales in theneighbourhood, the latest rental transactions in the building by floor range,and the latest rental transactions in nearby neighbourhoods
ExclusivePartnership with EM Services Pte Ltd
Driven by a client-first mind-set, the agencyis constantly focused on resolving challenges faced by new homeowners. According tostatistics provided by CASE[1],the contractors industry (renovation and interior design) accountsfor the country's fourth-highest number of complaintsin 2018. This is a sentiment echoed by ERA, whose salespersonsoften receive calls from clients at odd hours requiringassistance with leaking pipes or faulty air-conditioning units intheir newly rented or purchased houses.
To bridge this gap, ERA has entered into an exclusive partnership withEM Services Pte Ltd, which manages 10 out of Singapore's 16 townships and brings more than30 years of experience in facility management. This partnership will allow ERA salespersonsand clients to enjoy direct, convenient, and reliable access to a range of homeservices featured on the GOfix mobile application.
With GOfix, homeowners can enjoy a one-stop access to reliable andprofessional handyman services. It also minimises hassle by handling the entireprocess from start to finish, so homeowners do not have to liaise or negotiate withthird-party vendors.. All fees are transparent and stated upfront in a standardprice list.
ERA salespersons and clients can also enjoy an additional five per cent(5%) discount on top of any promotions. They will be trained to use the GOfixapp, resolving the challenges faced by salespersons andhomeowners on housekeeping and managing a home. Through this, ERA salespersons can expect a boost inresponsiveness, productivity, and professionalism, helping them build strongerclient relationships.
Alldigital initiatives can be launched within ERA's in-house mobile application, iERA. The app has seen severalenhancements since its inception, and plans are underway to ensure the digitaltools within are constantly updated with the latest technological advancements.
Raise Game with More Cool Features on iERA
Experiencea host of digital enhancements that aide personal branding and digitalmarketing through a mobile app, which allows salesperson to:
- Managetheir Personal Website
- PropWatch:Auto-update their Clients on the Latest Property Transactions
- Gaindirect access to multiple listings through "ERA Zap"
- Strengthenbrand awareness and sales by Cross-posting to External Portals
A Personalised Website for every ERASalesperson
ERAsalespersons will not have to go through the tedious process of manuallycreating their website. Instead, they get the benefits of having a PersonalWebsite assigned to them automatically. ERAsalespersons can build their personal brand through their profile, and markettheir projects and listings digitally. This simplifies the process of homebuying and transacting for both ERA salespersons and their clients.
PropWatch: Update your Clients on the LatestProperty Transactions
ERAsalespersons can finally quicken the process of providing their clients withthe latest property transactions in their neighbourhood. Through PropWatch,clients can receive weekly updates of the most recent properties on sale orrent. This is easily doable with just a quick scan of their agent's QR code orsharing their personal link with the click of a button.
Gain Direct Access to Multiple Listingson "ERA Zap"
ERAZap is the new digital home for over 200 divisions of ERA salespersons. Itallows a total of 10 members per ERA Zap Group to co-market the same listings.This widens their horizons in terms of reaching more interested clients, leadingto quicker transactions of their property listings.
Strengthen Brand Awareness and Sales byCross-posting to External Portals
ERAsalespersons can sync their listings to other property listing sites, such asPropertyGuru. This special function allows them to leverage on the success ofexternal portals conveniently, providing an advantageous gateway for them toexpand their client base. It can also strengthen their brand awareness, as wellas sales transactions.
[1] ConsumersAssociation of Singapore, 1 March 2019,https://www.case.org.sg/admin/news/pdf/301_pdf.pdf
ERA Realty Network Pte Ltd (ERA) has beensetting and redefining industry standards through the pioneering of real estateconcepts, technologies, initiatives and services since its inception in 1982.ERA is a wholly-owned subsidiary of SGX Mainboard Listed, APAC Realty Limited.
Headquartered in Singapore, ERA Asia Pacifichas a vast network of offices throughout the Asia Pacific region with over17,818 associates spanning across 9 other countries: Cambodia, China,Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan and Vietnam. In February2019, APAC Realty announced its acquisition of the ERA master franchisor forIndonesia and also taking direct ownership of the Thailand ERA master franchisethrough a partnership.
In Singapore, we are one of the largest realestate agencies with over 6,818 associates, providing a diverse range ofprofessional services and solutions for: Private and HDB residential resale,residential leasing, project marketing, commercial and industrial, propertymanagement, auction, valuation and research.
Through extensive network, innovativetechnological tools and refining the Ultimate Agent Training Programme, aseries of specially curated training courses developed for ERA associates, overthe years, ERA is able to revolutionise their associates' skills, equip them withthe latest trends and insights of the property market, and help them stay aheadof the competition.