KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA - Media OutReach - 26 August 2019 - Lee Kum Kee,the inventor of Oyster Sauce with a glorious history of 131 years, has sparedno effort in promoting Chinese culinary culture worldwide and nurturing futureculinary talents. Stepping into the second year of its Hope as Chef programme in Malaysia, Lee Kum Kee upliftedthe programme by inviting Hong Kong Michelin-starred Chef Kwok-keung Chan (KKChan) to host an exclusive culinary exchange session to share his culinarysecrets of success with aspiring Hope as Chef students at the Malaysia Selangorand Federal Territory Ku Su Shin Choong Hung Restaurant Association (KUSU)today.
Expanded to Malaysia in 2018, Lee KumKee Hope as Chef programme is a scholarship programme for young chefs to haveprofessional Chinese culinary training in KUSU, honing their skills inrealising the culinary dreams and contributing towards the development ofthe Chinese culinary industry in the long run. After 1-year professionaltraining, 12 Hope as Chef students showcased their culinary creations and knifeskills at the event, and received encouragement from Chef KK Chan. The Chefalso shared his expertise and innovative recipes in a cooking demonstration.
Lee Kum Kee is committed to promotingChinese Culinary Culture Worldwide. "To live up to our core values of "sharingfruits of success" and "benefitting the community", we started the Hope as Chefprogramme in Malaysia last year to nurture culinary talents. With our longstandingcommitment to this programme, wecontinue our support and invited Michelin-starred Chef KK Chan to share hisexquisite cooking skills and experience with the students. We hope allparticipating students could treasure this opportunity to learn from Chef KKChan, and continue to strive hard to be the next Michelin-starred chefs," said Mr. Leslie Lau,Managing Director - South Asia of Lee Kum Kee.
Speaking at the session, Chef KK Chan stressedthe importance of guiding young chefs on their culinary journey. " Malaysia is famous for multicultural food. It serves as a unique proposition forchefs who are interested in expanding their culinary knowledge. I reallyappreciate Lee Kum Kee for extending the Hope as Chef programme to Malaysia. Itencourages, promotes and imparts sufficient knowledge to the upcominggenerations of local chefs to ensure they have the proper base or platform tosucceed," said Chef KK Chan.
The Malaysian arm of the hope as Chefprogramme is in partnership with KUSU, a reputableprofessional Chinese cuisine chef training centre in the country and is thefirst country outside China where Lee Kum Kee has launched this programme. "Weare very proud to be the partner of Lee Kum Kee to launch this programme. LeeKum Kee and KUSU share the same goal and mission in promoting Chinese culinaryculture worldwide and nurturing culinary talents. We get to play an integralrole in the development of these young Malaysian chefs," said Datuk Dr. LumTuck Loy, President of KUSU. "We will join hands with Lee Kum Kee to expandfurther and benefit more aspiring young Malaysian chefs in the future," headded.
First rolled out in China in 2011, the Hope as Chef programmehas benefitted some 750 aspiring youngsters, contributing towards thedevelopment of the Chinese culinary industry and promoting Chinese culinaryculture worldwide.
Lee Kum Kee wasestablished in 1888 by its founder Mr. Lee Kum Sheung. With its sustainabledevelopment in 131 years, Lee Kum Kee has become a well-known household name ofChinese sauces and condiments, as well as an international brand and "a symbolof quality and trust". Spanning over a century, Lee Kum Kee is a globallyrenowned Chinese multinational corporation offering over 200 choices of saucesand condiments to over 100 countries and regions. Please visit www.LKK.com for further details.
Chef KK Chanboasts nearly three decades' worth of experience in gastronomy, with expertisein Beijing, Huaiyang, Sichuan and Cantonese cuisines. He is the founder of theYuet Lai Shun restaurant in Hong Kong, which the Michelin Guide lauded as "Inspectors'favourites for good value". Chef KK Chan is the Founding Chairman of the HongKong International Culinary Art Association and has also hosted several cookingtelevision programmes in Hong Kong.