, together with the company’s management, celebrates the historic moment at CTF Life’s suite at KTSP.)

PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA - MediaOutReach - 27 August, 2019 - DHLExpress Cambodia, DHL Global Forwarding Cambodia and DHL Supply Chain Cambodia,all divisions of Deutsche Post DHL Group (DPDHL Group) have launched a partnership today withTeach For Cambodia, a network partner of Teach For All. The partnership aims to promote employabilityto youth in Cambodia through exposure to the working world and access tomentors and business leaders from DHL. This marks DPDHL Group's 19thpartnership with the Teach For All network under the new strategic framework and focus to help nurture the employabilityand life skills of students around the world.
Monirath Siv, Founder and CEO ofTeach For Cambodia said, "It is part of our vision that students willhave the motivation, commitment and work ethic to be self-starters, believe inthe correlation between effort and success, and value the personal growth bornout of overcoming challenges more than merely pursuing the 'easy path'. Webelieve that the partnership with DHL will help us achieve this vision byexposing our youth to the working world and providing them with a platform tomake connections with business leaders."
The partnership will see DHL employees volunteering to support over 60 TeachFor Cambodia Fellows, who will in turn impact nearly 9,000 students across morethan 15 schools in Cambodia by the end of 2019. Volunteer activities willtarget youth in secondary education and will focus on soft skills training andcareer awareness programs.
"In Cambodia today, while notable progresshas been made in education, there is still a great mismatch between the skillsneeded by industry and business and those which youth need to be successful inthe workforce. Through our partnership with Teach For Cambodia we aim for DHLvolunteers to make lasting impacts on the youth they engage with such that theskills and traits they learn through these interactions they will remember touse when the time comes to look for employment," said Prayag Chitrakar, Country Manager, DHL Express Cambodia.
AndrewForgan, Country Manager, DHL Supply Chain Cambodia continued, "Theidea of giving back to the communities in which we operate is a Group-widefocus. The DHL brand has been in Cambodia for over 25 years now so we are reallylooking forward to helping shape the future of its youth. Across our divisionsour employee volunteers plan to organize skills-based training sessions, runcareer counseling workshops and launch mentorship programs where possible. Wehope the connections the youth make with our volunteers will motivate them todream big and reach for their goals."
Teach For Cambodia is buildinga new pool of highly effective teachers and leaders who will work relentlesslyto expand educational opportunities for their students. TFC recruits outstanding recent university graduates and youngprofessionals--of all academic disciplines and career interests--to commit for aninitial two years through the Teach For Cambodia Fellowship asteachers in high need schools, then support and develop them to become lifelongleaders and advocates for educational equity.
Deutsche PostDHL Group's corporate responsibility program "Living Responsibility" comprisesthree programs focusing on environmental protection (GoGreen), disastermanagement (GoHelp) and employability (GoTeach). Under the GoTeach program,Deutsche Post DHL Group provides support to Teach For All as well as to 19 networkpartners in Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa.
DHL is the leading global brand in the logisticsindustry. Our DHL family of divisions offer an unrivalled portfolio oflogistics services ranging from national and international parcel delivery,e-commerce shipping and fulfillment solutions, international express, road, airand ocean transport to industrial supply chain management. With about 380,000employees in more than 220 countries and territories worldwide, DHL connectspeople and businesses securely and reliably, enabling global trade flows. Withspecialized solutions for growth markets and industries including technology,life sciences and healthcare, energy, automotive and retail, a provencommitment to corporate responsibility and an unrivalled presence in developingmarkets, DHL is decisively positioned as "The logistics company for the world".
DHL is part of Deutsche Post DHL Group. The Groupgenerated revenues of more than 61 billion euros in 2018. 56 billion euros in 2014.
About Teach For Cambodia
Teach For Cambodia is a homegrownnot-for-profit organization that supports exceptional Cambodian youth to becomeleaders through a two-year Leadership Development Program in public schools.More than 30 youth leaders in Cambodia have joined the TFC Fellowship in 2018directly impacting over 5,000 children in public schools; the program plans todouble its reach by the end of 2019. Prior to the Fellowship, they were freshuniversity graduates, existing teachers, working professionals in engineering,information technology, psychology, social work, chemistry, professionalcommunications, education, law, and more. Leveraging insights from 50 countriesas a member of the global Teach For All network, Teach For Cambodia is able toaccelerate local impact through the learnings of network partners.
Website: www.teachforcambodia.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/teachforcambodia
About Teach For All
Teach For All is a global network of 50independent, locally led and governed partner organizations and a globalorganization that works to accelerate the progress of the network. Each networkpartner recruits and develops promising future leaders to teach in theirnations' under-resourced schools and communities and, with this foundation, towork with others, inside and outside of education, to ensure all children areable to fulfill their potential. Teach For All's global organization works toincrease the network's impact by capturing and spreading learning, facilitatingconnections among partners, accessing global resources, and fostering theleadership development ofpartner staff, teachers, and alumni.
For more information, visitwww.teachforall.org.