LIMASSOL, CYPRUS - Media OutReach - July 24,2018 - Play2Live, cybersports streamingplatform, announces that users can assign interactive tasks to streamers in thegame, "Fortnite", and monitor their progress. This creates interactions betweenplatform users, and forming an economy around the Level Up Coin (LUC) token asthe only means of payment within the platform.
Any user ofthe Play2Live platform can offer a streamer in "Fortnite" to use specificweapons, equipment, skills, including within a specified time or on a specificlocation.
"Theseare unique features for streamers and their subscribers where they will bedirectly affecting the content produced. In "Fortnite", users can ask theplayer to eliminate 10 opponents using sniper rifles, conduct uninterruptedthree hour streams - change the game altogether. Any user can support someoneelse's tasks using LUC tokens or assign their own tasks," says technicaldirector, Vladislav Arbatov.
Streamers canselect several tasks at the same time. If their efforts are successful, theywill receive rewards equal to the price set for the task, and in the event offailure, the tokens are returned to the viewers.
The neuralnetwork "watches" the stream and determines with precision whetherthe task was carried out. The task itself is a smart contract with a deposit inLUC tokens, like an escrow, with a deposit for the time allocated for the taskperformed by the streamer.
The mostactively involved users will also receive rewards in tokens, allowing them togamify their interactions within the platform. The more active usersparticipate in various activities, the more tokens earned.
Play2Live istesting the system of interactive tasks on the game "Fortnite", soon, thenumber of games allowing for interactive tasks will multiply.
"Interactive tasks arealready successful in "Overwatch" - by the end of the year, such functions willbe available for more than 300 games. The internal system of neural networktraining will allow for adding new types of events quickly. We will workclosely with the community, as we will be asking fans what tasks they wouldconsider to be most interesting," says Arbatov.
Play2livecombines blockchain and streaming, where users spend in more than 15 ways,thrice more than any similar project. Streamers can monetize their content in11 different ways, while other platforms only have 4 to 5 ways.