PHOENIX - Media OutReach - 24JULY 2018- Demonstrating itscontinued expertise in developing and managing strategic, value-enhancingsupply chain solutions, Avnet (Nasdaq: AVT), a leading global technologycompany, has been recognized by research and advisory firm Gartner, Inc. as a high-tech supplychain organization. Avnet believes its unique ability to deliver rapidlyscalable, globally available and customized supply chain solutions is why thecompany was ranked in the top 10 of the 2018 Gartner SupplyChain Top 25 Results 1 list in the High-Techindustry category.
Each year, Gartner determines "the companies to include in the SupplyChain Top 25 study by starting with the combined Fortune Global 500 and ForbesGlobal 2000 lists"1 and compiles the Top 25 Supply Chain ranking, as well as ratings forvertical markets, including high tech, life sciences, industrial, retail,automotive, and aerospace and defense.
"There has been a great deal of fanfare over the past several yearsabout the 'democratization' of technology development and manufacturing, butone aspect of this potentially game-changing trend that is infrequentlydiscussed is the way in which it has elevated the strategic role supply chainand operations must now play to differentiate an organization's products andservices," said Avnet senior vice president Lynn Torrel, who heads up theVelocity group. "Avnet is very proud to be recognized by Gartner for its hightech supply chain initiatives."
Avnet's supply chain group, Velocity, manages large elements ofthe technology supply chain for many companies that are perennially recognizedby Gartner for their supply chain solutions. Velocity was recently nameda semi-finalist for Gartner's 2018 High-TechManufacturing Supply Chainnovators award.2 These awardsrecognize unconventional, innovative and high-impact supply chain initiativesin the healthcare, high-tech manufacturing and consumer/retail sectors.
"The Supply Chain Top 25 is the preeminent ranking of supply chainleaders. The ranking is comprised of two main components: a quantitativemeasurement of business performance and a qualitative representation of bothpeer and Gartner analyst opinions. These two components are combined into atotal composite score which ultimately determines the ranking. The ranking isrevealed each year at the Gartner Supply Chain Executive Conference.3 We believe thisrecognition is a testament to Avnet's supply chain expertise, includingsustainability. With a comprehensive ecosystem that reduces the time, cost andcomplexities of bringing products to market, Avnet helps customers from startto finish maximize return on their technology investments."
Gartner Industry Recognition of Avnet:
Avnet's commitment to supply chain excellence is also evidenced by theirongoing commitment to sharing insights though contributed articles, atconferences, and through its own digital journal, Supply ChainNavigator .
Learn more aboutAvnet's supply chain offerings at https://www.avnet.com/wps/portal/us/services.
All brands and trade names are trademarks or registered trademarks, andare the properties of their respective owners. Avnet disclaims any proprietaryinterest in marks other than its own.
1 Gartner, GartnerSupply Chain Top 25 Results for 2018, Stan Aronow May 31, 2018
2 Gartner, High-Tech Industrial Supply Chainnovators 2018: TheDigital Supply Chain Transformation, May 15, 2018
3 Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 Methodology, https://www.gartner.com/technology/supply-chain/top25_methodology.jsp
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About Avnet
From idea to design and fromprototype to production, Avnet supports customers at each stage of a product's lifecycle.A comprehensive portfolio of design and supply chain services makes Avnet thego-to guide for innovators who set the pace for technological change. Fornearly a century, Avnet has helped its customers and suppliers around the worldrealize the transformative possibilities of technology. Learn more about Avnetat www.avnet.com.