PHOENIX - Media OutReach - 20JULY 2018 - One million members have joined Avnet's onlinecommunities, element14.com and Hackster.io, creating the world's largestcollaborative networks of engineers, entrepreneurs and developers who learnfrom each other's product ideas. element14 and Hackster help product developersall over the world get work done faster and more effectively. Instead ofscouring several sources for answers, members turn to the communities of Avnet(Nasdaq: AVT) for consolidated informationon new technologies, as well as access to experts.
"The most exciting part is that our members get hands-on with the latestproducts, working on real designs," said Bill Amelio, Chief ExecutiveOfficer, Avnet. "Because they learn from real-world project examples, industryexperts and each other, our community members are more likely to find the rightpath to get their idea from prototype to mass production."
Amelio added, "Today we celebrate our community members and say 'thankyou!' Your contributions add enormous value to Avnet's connected ecosystem. Bysharing information, best practices and know-how, you're helping to bringbetter products into the world."
Avnet acquired both element14 (as part of Premier Farnell) and Hackster.io in 2016. Sincethen, the two online communities have continued to experience rapid growth astechnology advancements such as IoT introduce more learning opportunities, aswell as complexity into the product development process. Combined membershipgrew by approximately 48 percent year over year and details about bothcommunities are depicted in this infographic.
element14 is a discussion-based online community where engineerscollaborate to solve one another's design challenges. Members can see whatother engineers are working on, learn from their experiences, as well as onlinetraining, and get help to optimize their own designs. Seeing technology inaction and having the ability to road test their projects is one of the mainbenefits for element14 members.
"element14 is a prime example of how the consistent sharing ofinformation is driving the democratization of design," said Dianne Kibbey,global head of community and social media for element14. "Our members are moreactive than ever, and with the support of Avnet's ecosystem we've been able toget more technology into their hands."
Hackster.io is a project-based online community for anyone who wants tolearn about programming and building hardware. One of the world's fastestgrowing communities, the site also hosts in-person workshops and meetups tohelp individuals, whether or not they have previous engineering or design experience,take their hardware ideas to the next level.
"With the support of the Avnet ecosystem, we have been able toaccelerate our outreach to more people in more places and offer better learningtools for hardware creation," said Adam Benzion, co-founder and CEO atHackster.io. "It's been fascinating to see our members' skills evolve as theypursue projects in emerging areas such as blockchain and artificialintelligence, or specific components like FPGAs."
With a collectivemembership of one million across element14 and Hackster.io, Avnet continues toengage engineers, entrepreneurs and developers online, and guide them througheach stage of the product lifecycle, from prototype to mass production. Tolearn more about Avnet and its one million member strong communities, check outthis related infographic and visit Avnet.com.
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From idea to design and fromprototype to production, Avnet supports customers at each stage of a product'slifecycle. A comprehensive portfolio of design and supply chain services makesAvnet the go-to guide for innovators who set the pace for technological change.For nearly a century, Avnet has helped its customers and suppliers around theworld realize the transformative possibilities of technology. Learn more aboutAvnet at www.avnet.com.