SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 18 July 2018 - The upcoming eighthSingapore-Chinese Culture Calligraphy Exhibition (SCCCE) will culminate with the Enterprise Forum cum President's Challenge CharityDinner on 3rd August 2018. The President of Singapore, Madam Halimah Yacob willbe gracing the annual charity event and dinner. To date,more than $ 700,000 have been donated to help the less fortunate since theinception of the SCCCE President'sChallenge Charity Dinner in 2010.
Recognizing the value of arts at acommunity and personal level, contributors and sponsors have continually supportedthis meaningful event by chipping in and giving back to the community through thisworthwhile cause.
This year, the SCCCE will host theSCCCE Art Awards and Competition from 29July to 5 August 2018. Therewill be a Grand Prize of $1,000for each art category -- Painting and Chinese Calligraphy, and the SCCCE aims toreach out to overseas participants in Malaysia, Indonesia and China. Artwork submitted by local andinternational students will be evaluated and acknowledged.
The annual SCCCE Art Exhibition tobe held at Suntec City North Atrium from 30 July till 5 Aug will featurefamily-friendly activities and a showcase of works from renowned local andinternational artists. Singaporeans and global visitors are cordially invitedto participate in engaging workshops and try their hand at printing atraditional Chinese character using ink and a brush. For a small charitabledonation, visitors can contribute a character "福" to a large collage of calligraphy painting,which will then be displayed permanently at one of our local schools. Thetheme for this year is 'Every day is a blessing'. In 2013, this record-breakingevent was documented in the Singapore Book Of Records for its massparticipation and formation of the largest-ever collage of calligraphypainting.
To further elaborate on the theme "福" which is synonymous with abundance of blessingsand fortune, and helps to bring across the importance of finance management, SCCCEwill host its Chinese culture month to promote upcoming events at KidZaniaSingapore, an interactive indoor theme park combining inspiration, fun andlearning through realistic role-play for kids aged 4 to 17. SCCCE hopes thatthis event will help young participants learn, develop and understand the relevantconcept of financial literacy, while learning through play with over 60different professions. Concurrently, invitations will be sent to family membersto participate. The Chinese culture weekis from 28 July till 5 Aug.
SCCCE Opening Ceremony at Kidzaniaon 31 July 2018 at 5pm
GOH:Mr Ang Ang Wei Neng MP for Jurong GRC
SpecialGuest: Cao Shihai, Education Counsellor at Embassy of P.R.Chinain Singapore
Through sponsorships, individuals andgroups can also partake in the Enterprise Forum held on the same day prior tothe President's Challenge Charity Dinner on 3rd Aug 2018 atMarina Bay Sands. Thisis an exchange platform to further deepen the cooperation between overseas andlocal enterprises and increase the international visibility of enterprises. The program includes targeted lectures, thematic discussions anddialogues, collaborative exchange of ideas, access to information, and availableopportunities to establish relationships with business enterprises.
Sponsorship options includegranting a tax-deductible monetary, gift-in-kind donation or an individual donation. Sponsor recognition will be acclaimedat all event-related marketing and promotional collaterals. This promises to bean ideal way to network and showcase individual brands to a target audience ofestablished businessmen, professionals, entrepreneurs and global investors.
For more information on thecomplete range of available sponsorship opportunities and donations to thePresident's Challenge, call our hotlineat 6220 6228. SCCCElooks forward to each and everyone's generous patronage and attendance.
We are pleased to invite you to attend the event. Pleasekindly RSVP your attendance via the link https://goo.gl/forms/pgjh9CvEbW8GQ8uw1 by 20 July 2018 so that we can send your media profile to bescreened and approved before the event.
For moredetails on the SCCCE event, please visit the link https://www.goldencompass.edu.sg/events/8th-sccce/.
Thankyou for your interest.
GlobalTrade Disruption
Withthe recent trade protectionism promotion in the United States, business andtrade cooperation between enterprises in Singapore and China has become animportant aspect not to be ignored. Singapore and China concluded a memorandumon the "Belt and Road" initiative, also known as "One Belt, One Road" or "一带一路". Under thisinitiative, Singapore and Chinese businesses can expect more economiccooperation and multilateral business opportunities among countries along theoverland Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime SilkRoad as infrastructure, financial and trade ties are established.
Withthe "One Belt, One Road" policy, businesses will evolve, new market trendswill develop, and technology will progress. It is imperative that businessesmust leverage on the climate and market change to stay competitive andprogressive. Digital Transformation is one such powerful trend that hasinfluence how businesses operate, communicate and reach out to their customers.Hence, it is essential that businesses stay vigilant to spot open doors and discovernew markets.
Aswith every business growth and expansion, companies must know how to protecttheir rights and intellect property. Your trademark is your unique DNA that standsfor you and why you are a notch above others. How do you protect your business trademarkand intellect property without compromising growth?
Inthe upcoming Enterprise Forum on 3 August, businessmen, professionals, entrepreneurs and globalinvestors can expect to learn, discuss and exchange information on the latestmarket happenings to bring home a wealth of knowledge for their businesses.
There'snothing like knowing there are entrepreneurs who have walked the talk from ahumble beginning to a successful enterprise today. Prominent speaker(s) will bepart of the Enterprise Forum panel of speakers to share their experiencesduring the forum.
Thepurpose of this forum is to create opportunities and networking for Singaporecompanies to leverage on the changes, especially on the "Belt and Road"initiative. Through the exchanges and dialogues between the companies, theforum will explore how companies can take part in the new policy initiative andpromote practical development partnerships between countries.
For more details on the Enterprise Forum, please visit the link https://www.goldencompass.edu.sg/events/8th-sccce/.