SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA - Media OutReach - 16 July 2018- On July 1st 2018,Chainers 2018 was held in Seoul, South Korea. In themeeting, the originator of ProChain, David White made a keynote address on howto reconstruct digital advertising ecology, which was based around the centraltopic "The Past, Present and Future of Blockchain", as an invited guest.
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During the event, David White analyzed the current situation of the digitaladvertising industry. There are many prominent problems confronted by theadvertising industry, such as Data Island, numerous intermediaries, flow fraud,and settlement delay. In view of the prevalent problems, Bai expressed thatblockchain technology can be used to put the data and transactions of each linkon the chain so as to realize advertisement introduction through the decentralizedbusiness logic.
David White added that now is the best time tolaunch blockchain advertising. It is expected that the commercial blockchaintechnology will mature in the next two years.
The storage solution based on IPFS protocol will provide higher carryingcapacity, and the blockchain industry is expected to go through a period ofrapid development. As the most classical business model, advertising canprovide direct revenue to the media on the chain with the help of advancedblockchain technology.
About ProChain's advertising solution, it isdivided into four parts for implementation. The first part is an advertisingdistribution platform based on ETH and EOS. ProChain is the first platform toprovide blockchain digital advertising on EOS. The second is the deliveryplatform, where the advertiser DSP accurately delivers the tools, sets thetarget population, recharges the PRA, and creates a promotion contract. Thethird is identity authentication, which binds the advertising user's Ethernetaddress and personal metadata by rewarding the PRA. The fourth is thedistribution platform, which provides the SDK for the internet medias. Afterthe user clicks on the advertisement, they and SSP jointly obtain the PRArevenue.
The rapid development of the blockchaintechnology has initiated a new revolution of the internet. As a pioneer inblockchain technology development, As a pioneer, the ProChain team closelyintegrates blockchain technology with business scenarios and lays out the 100billion-level digital advertising market ahead of schedule.