SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 13 July 2018 - Under its signature CUBE brand, CUBEBoutique Capsule Hotel at Kampong Glam, is part of the expanding portfolio ofhospitality real estate in Asia helmed by RB Hospitality. Its location in theKampong Glam Heritage Trail underscores the group'spremise for affordable, restored heritage accommodation located in popularconservation and cultural enclaves targeted at a new group of digitally-inclined, discerning travellers.
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Following the successfullaunch of its first capsule hotel in Chinatown in 2016, CUBE Boutique CapsuleHotel at Kampong Glam offers another 56 beds - a mix of singles and queens-each in its own cozy capsule. Measuring6 ft x 3 ft x 4ft for a single and 6 ft x 5 ft x 4 ft for a queen with plushmattresses and linen, each capsule is well designed to moderate its owntemperature and air-flow; and solidly insulated to reduce ambient noise for acomfortable rest. Each unit is equipped with a universal electrical outlet, safe,mirror/vanity area, bedside light, a small space for hanging garments and alocker drawer with digital security for personal storage. Named after theneighbouring streets, room configurations vary between two and 18 capsules. Foran extra level of security and privacy, female travellers can choose to stay inthe women-only rooms. The rooms are pleasantly shaded in soothing pine tonesand sturdily sound proofed against the lively sounds of the vicinity. Thebathrooms are spacious with standing showers, hairdryer and bath toiletries.Guests are provided with a dental kit, slippers and one towel, upon check-inand this is exchangeable daily. A washing machine with complimentary detergentis also available for guests while work desks are also provided for guests'use.
Besides complimentary Wi-Fi, guests can alsoenjoy a daily breakfast showcasing local flavours in a relaxed communal diningarea. Flanked by Yasu Japanese Grill and a host of food & beverage outletsincluding halal options, guests are spoilt for choice. Guests can also log ontothe Dining Butler, a smartphone tech solution for food orders and delivery.Alfresco seats in the front provide a view of the colourful surrounds ofKampong Glam. Also located in the same lobby is the Singapore Visitor Centreoffering tours to popular Singapore locations. Friendly and knowledgeablereception staff in smart uniforms are on hard to offer 24/7 service includinginsider tips on authentic local experiences.
"Kampong Glam is chosen for its vibrancy,charm and rich heritage culture. In addition to the Sultan Mosque and the MalayHeritage Centre, there are a number of shops, cafes, restaurants and otherbustling sites such as the hip Haji Lane. The Bugis MRT Station is only a 5-minute walk away." explained Sonia AnyaTay, Chief Operating Officer and Co-Founder.
CUBE Boutique Capsule Hotels are aimedsquarely at savvy, sociable travellers, yearning for out of the ordinaryaccommodation in distinctive locales with immersive cultural experiences. CUBE has also attracted business travelers who appreciate theconveniences of capsule accommodation without burning a hole in theirpockets. By keeping the most essentialhotel features such as daily housekeeping, 24-hour concierge, airport pickups,free Wi-Fi and breakfast, along with tech touches, the CUBE Hotel experiencehas endeared itself to such visitors without compromising on comfort. Guestscan still indulge in a hotel stay, while relishing the cost savings that comewith a capsule experience. Each capsule stay can range between S$50 and S$120per night.
"Our guests are typically 18-35 years oldglobal explorers including founders of new generation businesses and specialinterest groups. The positive interest shown in our properties has inspired usto create a new CUBE Capsule concept which we aim to open before the end ofthis year. This is very much in line with our vision to grow the number of CUBEBoutique Capsule Hotels to eight in Singapore in the next few years" added Ms.Tay.
Since the launch of the CUBE brand, the groupwas awarded the TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence for the Chinatownproperty as well as the ISO 9001:2015 certification in Project Management ofHotel Construction & Renovation and Provision of Hospitality Services.
URL: cubehotels.com.sg
Images: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/joe3rjeb0b5wbfw/AAC_3mqKn4Jp5vu4Oa57ZOYpa?dl=0
Chief Executive Officer, 43 | Chief Operating Officer, 32 |
Benedict Choa and Sonia Anya Tay,husband-and-wife team, established RB Hospitality Pte Ltd in December 2015, asChief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer respectively.
A graduate with a Bachelor in BusinessManagement and Golden Key* recipient from Monash University in Australia in1998, Benedict Choa also acquired a keen interest in Civil Engineering duringhis studies. To a large extent, this interest played a part in laying the foundationsfor the real estate and hospitality industry. At the age of 20, he establishedhis own company, King Hall Builders, specializing in design, buildingconstruction and renovations and this was then subsequently sold when itreached its prime.
At the age of 14, Sonia started working in abeauty products business for 10 years to help support her family and fund herown education. She then joined Dairy Farm in 2011 at the age of 25 as ProductManager prior to being head hunted tojoin Unilever in Sales in 2013. After a few months, she left to work withBenedict Choa at MB Capital Pte Ltd before launching RB Hospitality. Herbusiness development and procurement skills acquired from her corporate stintshave facilitated her foray into hospitality.
Noticing a dearth of accommodation to cater to savvy, young travel explorers andfollowing a consultation with the Singapore Tourism Board, both Benedict and Sonia felt the time was ripeto invest in this niche. CUBE Boutique Capsule Hotels was founded to providestylish, affordable capsule style accommodation to such travellers. It comesunder the Singapore-based RB Hospitality Pte Ltd, a real estate companyoperating three hotels and a serviced apartment. RB Hospitality is arapidly-growing and nimble investment firm, with capabilities in capitalraising, deployment and asset management. In addition to benefiting from theassets' capital values, the firm's performance is bolstered by steady operatingincome from its properties.
The co-founders' bold vision is to develop CUBE into a prominent Singaporebrand with a strong capacity for expansion, particularly within key global cities identified for highperforming potential after 2020. The target is to reach up to eight propertiesin prime locations in Singapore close to transportation nodes.
As CEO, Benedict is instrumental in thedevelopment, acquisition and technical aspects of their properties while COOSonia is involved in the daily administration and operation of the hotels whichcommand a total staff strength of 25 currently.
"Our goal is to re-invent the concept ofhospitality/accommodation service providers and incorporate efficient digitalization capabilities fortoday's travelers. We need to think outside the box to stay competitive,innovative and compelling even if it means disrupting the typical hospitalitybusiness model in the process," according to CEO Benedict Choa.
With three young children, the young couple isdevoted to the causes of children and the elderly; and amidst their hotelexpansion ambitions, they plan to establish a charity foundation. An initiativeof Sonia Anya Tay, the charity foundation aims to raise and distribute funds widely, proportionately andregularly throughout the year instead of just festive holidays and fundraisingdrives.
*Golden Key is the world's largest collegiatehonor society.
RBHospitality is a Singapore-based real estate firm, led by co-founders BenedictChoa and Sonia Anya Tay, that operates three hotels and a serviced apartmentproperty in the city-state.
RB Hospitality is also a rapidly-growing and nimbleinvestment firm, with capabilities in capital raising, deployment and assetmanagement. In addition to benefiting from the assets' capital values, thefirm's performance is underpinned by steady operating income from itsproperties.
CUBEBoutique Capsule Hotels is a growing brand of affordably priced hotels with stylish, hipster accommodationfor the savvy traveller. It is on trackto reach its target of eight properties in the region and is selective with itsacquisitions, picking only properties in prime locations that are close totransportation nodes.