SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - July 10, 2018 - Changingone's appearance is not an easy decision to make as it has an impact that lastsfor years and needs proper education and communication before undergoing anyprocedure. With this state of the art technology, it is the first time they canreally expect what could be done.
We are delighted to be the first inSingapore's Medical Aesthetics to offer it. We hope to share our excitementabout virtual reality, and the future of aesthetics forever, said Adren How,CEO of ONLY Group.
Being the #1 market leader in the industry,ONLY Aesthetics, the technology focused Medical Aesthetics keeps their gamestrong. Interactivity and user engagement inside VR goes way beyond what'scurrently available at other aesthetic clinics. That's what makes ONLY standsout from the rest.
The ground-breaking VR technology is a verybig step forward for augmentation and reconstruction, enabling patients toselect implants to fit their anatomy. The augmented reality software whichallows patients to try on their assets for size, in real-time and in highdefinition. Patients can view several size options, with doctors recommendingthe best to suit their body shape using the technology which can be used forboth cosmetic and reconstructive purposes.
We set out to change all that with our VRsimulation, which is designed specifically to maximize immersion that willchange the way you think about aesthetics consultation forever. We are a teamof industry veterans passionate about changing the way people experienceaesthetics forever. And now we're excited to bring in a product that can soradically change the way people decide their potential outlook and deliver atruly immersive aesthetics experience.
Virtual Reality is a new thing and youalways want to give something new to your customers, this is more of anintimate experience of the consumer to your content and now we are bringing itto medical aesthetics field in Singapore.
It will be an important technology for thefuture. It is a technology that offers a lot in terms of emotions and the exacttechnology that empowers the patient to make the right decision.
We have identified the key moment forclients, making the key decision factor. Consultation is a key moment whenpatients express their desire, when they learn from the surgeon about thesurgical options and often take the decision about the future surgery.
We note that our patients really enjoyedbeing involved with the decision-making process. Enhancing the overallconsultation and even allows close family members to be involved and supportthe patient's choices. Many were pleased with the product and impressed at howit continues to develop.
The process involves scanning the full bodyto generate a 3D view, after the picture is made it is projected in real-timeonto a mirror.
You will need to stand as still as you canwhile scanning you from every angle possible -- which is where the sorcerybegins.
It scans in real time and the imagingsoftware recreates your body on the iPad screen -- every contour preciselyrendered in front of me.
The customer can then change the outlook oftheir body by making size and shape changes. This allows them to see theirgreatest potential in comparison to current. For those hoping for more naturalresults, this will help them to ensure that they will be in proportion.
It took us some time, to source for thebest cosmetic surgery simulator software 'that meets all needs', with a projectedoutcome that was similar to the real outcome.
When our doctors simulate the possibleoutcomes of the patients, it creates a common ground where patients are able toexpress their desire and doctors can better educate on the options in a morerealistic and easy way.
This is probably one of the biggest, if notthe biggest change the industry is now going through and that will support theaesthetics field to become not only more accessible but more appreciated bypatients as their understanding of it increases, said Daniel, Head of Marketingat ONLY Group.
Ever since ONLY Aesthetics released itsinformation of having such technology, in less than a week and appointments forit are like gold dust with a two-week waiting list already.
ONLY Aesthetics Address: 22Malacca Street #09-00, RB Capital, S(048980)
Website: www.onlyaesthetics.sg
Opening Hours: Monday-- Friday 10.30 am to 8.30 pm
Saturday 10.30 am to 6.30 pm
Sunday& PH Closed
Contact Number: +656220 4434