YANGON, MYANMAR - Media OutReach - 6 July 2018 -PSB Academy, one of Singapore's leading private education institutions, andChindwin College, a renowned college from Yangon, Myanmar, announced the launchof their joint venture, Chindwin-PSB Institute at an inauguration event thismorning.
Bettertogether: A transnational platform for higher learning
The partnership brings together twoeducation institutions with a long heritage as institutes for higher education.Chindwin College, established in 2007, was Myanmar's first college to offerHigher National Diplomas to students, and is the only affiliated college with theMyanmar Engineering Society (MES), the leading industry body for engineers inMyanmar
"Chindwin College has been a shiningexample for higher education in Myanmar, and we respect the number of pathwaysthey've developed for Myanmar's youth over the years, so they can becomesuccessful across industries and across borders when they graduate.
"Our joint resources, expertise in thelocal market, experience in building international networks, and best practicesin teaching and learning allow us to become a unique platform for Myanmarstudents to gain quality higher education. I look forward to the continual mutual support in forging partnershipswith the government, universities and industry so we can continue to offer ourdistinct brand of industry-ready education, and nurture global graduates thatwill fuel ASEAN's transformation.," says Viva Sinniah, Chairman, PSB Academy.
"Todaywe are one step closer to fulfilling our vision: to become a top premiumservice provider in Myanmar's private higher education space, excelling indelivering globally recognized education. Our public private partnerships, ourco-operation & collaboration in academic, commerce and industry haveallowed Chindwin to flourish as a reputable education brand that the Myanmarstudents can depend on, and now partnered with PSB Academy, who have 50 yearsof developing graduates for the New Economy, I'm certain we are geared forsuccess," says Tin Latt, Chairman, Chindwin College.
FuellingMyanmar's ambitions in infrastructure development and enterprise
PSB Academy and Chindwin College have collaboratedsince 2016 to offer Myanmar's HND holders pathways to bachelor degrees inEngineering and Business with the University of Portsmouth, UK, which isrecognised with the UK Government's TEF Gold Rating and have earned a place inthe UK's top 25 universities, according to the Guardian rankings. The University will continue to work withChindwin-PSB Institute to develop more degree specialisations in technology, aswell as postgraduate programmes. The institute also plans to expand withanother campus in Mandalay.
"Wehave been able to celebrate the first fruits of this partnership with ourpioneering group of about 60 Engineering graduates, who have gone on to findexcellent employment including within the Myanmar Engineering Society andglobal technology companies like Huawei. I am confident that by continuing toprovide access to high quality higher education, we will build a strongpipeline of talent that will lead the way in innovation and progress. It isthrough providing programmes attuned to the needs of both students andemployers that we will be investing in the youth of today to become keycontributors to the nation's developing infrastructure and flourishingenterprises," Says Graham Galbraith, Vice-Chancellor, University of Portsmouth.
Leading the charge for the new institute isCollege Director Kan Win Oung, who has held senior management positions inseveral institutions in tourism and education in Switzerland, Singapore andMyanmar. Prior to assuming this new role, Kan was also a lecturer with ChindwinCollege for Business Management courses and lectured at vocational coursesjointly delivered by UNESCO and Myanmar's Ministry of Education.
"Myanmar is resilient, open to change, andwilling to learn -- and these are the attributes that we hope our students willcontinue to hone. At Chindwin-PSB Institute we hope to encourage optimism in afast-modernizing Myanmar -- that if students are willing to work through thechallenges, they will find opportunities to realise their ambitions.," saysKan.