JIAYUGUAN, CHINA - Media OutReach - 5 July 2018 - Extreme adventurer and philanthropist, David Grier, and his runningcompanion, Andrew Stuart, arrived in Jiayuguan City this Tuesday, concludingtheir 4200 kilometer run of the Great Wall of China. The run, which theyundertook in partnership with Fresenius Medical Care, the world's largestprovider of dialysis products and services, created a groundswell of socialmedia engagement throughout China and Asia--Pacific, with thousands of peoplefollowing the pairs' run and taking on the challenge to become more activethemselves.
David Grier first ran the GreatWall of China 12 years' ago, with his journey starting in Jiayuguan City. Incompleting the run today -- in the other direction -- David has become the firstperson in history to run the Great Wall of China in both directions.
Mr Harry de Wit, CEO of FreseniusMedical Care Asia-Pacific, and 10 company employees ran the last kilometers ofthe Great Wall with David and Andrew. They converged with invited runners fromthe local healthcare industry to cross the finishing line together, bringingthe historic run to a close.
Speaking at the official closingceremony, Mr de Wit thanked David and Andrew, and all those who participated inthe corporate social responsibility campaign: "I am proud to have run the finalleg of the journey today", he said. "I hope the strength and fortitude thatthese men have shown will inspire every individual and every person living withCKD to believe in themselves and conquer their own 'Great Wall' with a positiveattitude. Today's closing ceremony is not an end; it's a brand-new beginning."
David Grier echoed thissentiment, encouraging the wider community to use the WeChat Great Wall Programdeveloped by Fresenius Medical Care China, where players accumulate daily stepsas they virtually run the Great Wall: "Put on your shoes, and startcounting your own steps. The steps don't end when we get to the end of thewall, this is where the steps start", he said.
Alan Chen, Executive Vice President, Fresenius Medical Care China, highlighted the ways in which the campaign hassuccessfully put chronic kidney disease on the national health agenda. "I wasvery excited to see how the Back to the Wall campaign was able to span acrossChina", he said. "Awareness events in Yulin and Kunming received great supportfrom local medical associations, hospitals and patients. Furthermore, we areopening dialysis centers in Fujian, Yunnan, and Sichuan to support facilitiesin public hospitals. This fits with the government's strategy to allocatequality medical resources in both urban and rural areas, enabling more peopleliving with chronic kidney disease to access essential services."
Very importantly, the reach ofthe campaign has extended far beyond China, creating awareness of kidney healththroughout the Asia-Pacific region. During the remainder of 2018, FreseniusMedical Care will engage employees, patients and healthcare professionals in funruns, walks and educational events across the region, and amplifying theirmessages about kidney health through social media networks.
In a video interview just prior to completing the run,David pondered the Great Wall as a metaphor for the obstacles we all meet inour lives: "For every one of us, our lives are littered with walls that blockthe ultimate dream of how we see our lives unfolding. I feel the run of theGreat Wall is symbolic to the walls faced by people living with CKD: No matterhow treacherous the wall ahead, how deep the craters, and how crumbly the road,don't ever give up on your journey. Put out your hand to the friend that isthere with you, and travel the journey together. You will get to the end ofthat wall."
Video link: https://www.facebook.com/dmmgrier/videos/10156423851133249/
David Grier and Andrew Stuart began their journey torun the entire route of the Great Wall of China at the end of March 2018.Beginning in Shanhaiguan, the pair ran an average of 61 kilometers a day andarrived at their final destination in Jiayuguan on 3 July. Twelve years' ago,David became one of the first people in history to run the entire route of theGreat Wall of China, and he has now repeated history by becoming the firstperson in history to run the wall in both directions.
Fresenius Medical Care is the world's largest providerof products and services for individuals with renal diseases of which around3.2 million patients worldwide regularly undergo dialysis treatment. Throughits network of 3,790 dialysis clinics, Fresenius Medical Care provides dialysistreatments for 322,253 patients around the globe. Fresenius Medical Care isalso the leading provider of dialysis products such as dialysis machines ordialyzers. Along with its core business, the company provides related medicalservices in the field of Care Coordination. Fresenius Medical Care is listed onthe Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FME) and on the New York Stock Exchange (FMS).
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