GRENOBLE,FRANCE - Media OutReach - 11 July2018 - Teledyne e2v, an aerospacequalified manufacturer of advanced semiconductors, has qualified and released thefirst two upscreened versions of NXP's T-Series processors to operate at -55°C to 125°C. The T-Series is thelatest generation of QorIQ Power PC processors from NXP offering multi-threadedCPU performance and a mature suite of software and tools for a wide range ofdesigns. The T2080 and T2081 deliver optimal performance and power efficiencyvia eight highly efficient, virtual e6500 Power Architecture® cores and featureintegrated security and pattern matching accelerators.
Designers of Aerospace and Defense systemsseeking to reduce overall power consumption, without sacrificing computingperformance, will welcome the addition of the T2080 and T2081 to Teledyne e2v'sportfolio. The military grade qualification guarantees the two devices will befully functional between-55°C and 125°C and available in both RoHS and leaded packages. The T-Series offers improved computing performance and reduced powerconsumption versus the previous generation of QorIQ® PowerPC processors, knownas the P-Series, which Teledyne e2v has already qualified for Aerospace and Defenseapplications.
"Teledyne e2v has been a valued partner withNXP in bringing our commercial processors to High-Reliability applications for decades,"commented Altaf Hussain, Marketing Manager for NXP. "We're pleased thatTeledyne e2v will be offering the T2080 and T2081 with a military gradequalification and believe the Aerospace and Defense industry will benefit fromthe advanced computing performance and low power consumption of these highperformance devices."
Teledyne's e2v's military grade versions of thesedevices are qualified by Teledyne e2v to be fully functional in Aerospace and Defenseapplications. In addition, as part of Teledyne e2v's Semiconductor LifecycleManagement program, SLiM™, the lifetime of these solutions can be supported for15+ years, avoiding common and costly obsolescence issues.
Thomas Guillemain, Marketing and BusinessDevelopment Manager of Digital Processing Solutions at Teledyne e2v, said "TheT-Series offers the opportunity to improve computing performance and reducepower consumption, two very important design factors for our customers.Following the popularity of the P3, P4 and P5 devices from NXP's P-Seriesfamily, it was a natural choice to qualify the T2080/81 as they are greatoptions for those wishing to improve system performance or reduce powerdemands."
The T2080 and T2081 mark the first military versions of the second generationof QorIQ® PowerPC processors, with Teledyne e2v planning to have the entireT-series military qualified later this year. Samples of different variationsand specifications are available to order now via Teledyne e2v's website.
For more information, visit e2v.com/T2080.
Notes to Editors:
About Teledyne e2v
Teledynee2v's innovations lead developments in healthcare, life sciences, space,transportation, defence and security and industrial markets. Teledyne e2v'sunique approach involves listening to the market and application challenges ofcustomers and partnering with them to provide innovative standard, semi-customor fully-custom solutions, bringing increased value to their systems.
Teledynee2v is a world leader in re-engineering and up-screening commercial technologiesand has held a strategic partnership with NXP for over 30 years to develop space,military and industrial grade versions of NXP's commercial processors. Withaccess to original test vectors, Teledyne e2v offer guaranteed extendedreliability versions of a broad line of the QorIQ® PowerPC portfolio and isdeveloping an offering for the NXP Layerscape® portfolio.