CHITTAGONG, BANGLADESH - Media OutReach - July 18, 2018 - AsianUniversity for Women (AUW) and Tawakkol Karman Foundation (TKF) jointlyannounced a scholarship for 50 qualified young women from Yemen to attend AsianUniversity for Women in Chittagong. Startingthis year, the scholarship expands AUW's mission to provide quality highereducation for young women who are from conflict-affected countries, addingYemen to existing student recruitment in Afghanistan, Myanmar, Syria, andPalestine.
The signing of a Memorandum ofUnderstanding between AUW and TFK on Friday, May 12 was celebrated during AUW'stenth anniversary Symposium, entitled From Survival to SustainableDevelopment: Addressing Urgent Issues for a Just World. The signing by AUWVice Chancellor Professor Nirmala Rao and TKF Founder and Nobel PeaceLaureate Tawakkol Karman, a Yemeni journalist and activist, strengthenedthe relationship between AUW and TKF, and inaugurated AUW's student outreachand recruitment in Yemen and its neighboring countries.
Remarking on this landmarkpartnership between AUW and TKF, Karman reemphasized that "I havealways believed that education is the foundation for both development andpeace. Thus, what Asian University for Women does is a significant contributionin this context. In order for women to play active roles in society and be ableto overcome policies that marginalize and weaken them, they must be equippedwith necessary education and qualification; these are nonnegotiable requirements."
The following day, TawakkolKarman gave the keynote address during the Sixth Commencement Ceremony of AUW.During the Ceremony, Chancellor of Asian University for Women Cherie Blairand Vice Chancellor Professor Rao bestowed upon Karman a Doctorate of Arts, honoriscausa, for her prominent advocacy of democracy, freedom of expression, andwomen's safety and participation in the peacebuilding of her native Yemen.Karman is the first Yemeni, the first Arab, and the second Muslim woman to wina Nobel Peace Prize.
About Asian University forWomen
Founded in 2008 and located inChittagong, Bangladesh, Asian University for Women is the first of its kind: aregional institution dedicated to women's education and leadership development-- international in outlook, but rooted in the contexts and aspirations of thepeople of Asia. Students from 15 countries attend AUW. ThisUniversity exists solely to support a rising network of women leaders,entrepreneurs and change makers from across the region. It seeks out women whohave significant academic potential and demonstrate courage and a sense ofoutrage at injustice and are empathic to the woes of other people. Amajority of AUW's students are first in their family to enter university; 98%of AUW's students are on full or near-full scholarship funded by private donorsfrom around the world. A majority of AUW graduates find employment in theprivate sector in their home countries while about 25% go on to pursue graduatestudies. AUW graduates or former students have been admitted to Stanford,Oxford, Columbia, Brandeis, Surrey and a host of other leading universities inthe world.
About Tawakkol KarmanFoundation
Tawakkol Karman Foundation(TKF) is a non-profit organization working in all development fields andsupport the ideas, policies, activities and projects that participate inleading communities to democracy and development. TKF also works in spreadingpeace, establishing human good will values, violence, poverty and ignoranceresistance and all forms of racism. TKF believes in freedom, solidarity andpeace concepts and considers democracy, sovereignty of law and fair developmenta way to achieve a positive and sustainable change in life of members andcommunities. TKF with partnership with its local and international partnersaims achieving concepts that guarantee the saving freedoms, rights and humandignity and mitigation of armed conflicts and resolute them and open a door tobuild peace and stabilization and achieve a decent life.